Chapter 5 - Girlfriend

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I hung up the phone regretting calling her.  Now I can't stop thinking about her.  I was attracted to her and I constantly felt the urge to flirt with her. At night, when I was in my room and couldn't sleep, I wanted to call her but I always held back.  She was interesting but married. 

It makes me laugh when I hear people say "Michael Jackson can have whatever girl he wants." That's far from the truth.  If that was the case, I'm tellin' you, I would've already married someone way before the tour started...I won't say to whom though.

Shakira was someone I wanted to spend more time with because I felt this energy between us, like a magnetic force.  Do you know how hard it is to fight a magnetic force?  Exactly.  It's practically impossible and that's why I ended up calling her but I told myself I wouldn't let it get anywhere.  Soon, I'll get over it.

I was seeing someone at the time anyway.

I opened the bedroom door of my suite and reflected her smiling face.  I nodded to my guard thanking him for letting her in and she entered my room.

As soon as I shut the door she jumped into my arms.  She kissed me on the cheek and slowly released her hold.  "I missed you, honey."

"I missed you."  I grabbed her hand and walked her over to my bed. 

We both sat down next to each other and stared straight ahead at the wall. 

"So...where's Sadie?"  Sadie was her five year old daughter.

"She's with her father," she said looking down at her lap now.  "I missed you."

I was tickled because she seemed lost for words again.  I put my arm around her and kissed her sweetly on her plump cheek.  "Are you tired?"

"Yes a little.  As soon as I got off my flight I went to Sadie's father's house and dropped her off then I took a taxi here which was a long ride."

My head nodded in understanding.  I swung my arm off her shoulder to stand and walk over to my desk to pour myself a glass of water.  "You can lay down and relax.  Are you thirsty?"

"No," she said softly.  She slipped her shoes off and laid back on the bed. 

I drank my water on my way back to her.  I sat up next to her and set my glass down on the night stand by my bedside.

She smiled at me before shutting her eyes.

I reacted by rolling mine.  I didn't mean to didn't matter because she didn't see me.  I hated the awkwardness that was between us.  We both seemed lost for words now.  She just arrived and already she wanted to sleep, even though she claimed she missed me.

There was no previous encounter that forced us to be this way either.  It was just always like this. 

Her name was Jamila.  She was the same age as me.  We met when we were kids in Encino actually.  We were good friends back then but then she moved and we lost touch.  My brother Jermaine is the one who got me back in touch with her a few years ago.  We became close friends again and while working on my latest album Bad, we somehow became a "couple."  She's the one who established it and I was just going along with it.  I didn't like it very much because it was always weird between us now.

I turned off the light and fully got in the bed with her.  She was under the covers and I stayed above them.  I wasn't very tired so I stared at the dark ceiling and started thinking about my show.


It was weird even hearing her call me that.  I turned and looked her way even though the darkness partially blinded me.  "Yes?"

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