A Cinderella Story

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A/N You all know the story of Cinderella? Well I put a few twists on it. Twi version it up- because everyone likes these fan fictions. Anyways story line? After Bella's father dies- she gets sent to live with her evil step mother with her evil step sisters. Did I mention Bella's dad owned a diner? She works there every day- she's the loser at school. But when her best friend wants her to go to the Halloween dance, it all turns down hill. (Basically A cinderella story- like the movie. With Hilary Duff and Chad Michael Murray- just with Edward and Bella. Of course I am going to twist it around. ALL HUMAN)

Here is it 

Chapter 1


Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, lived a beautiful little girl...and her widowed father.

"It's beautiful!" I said to my father, as he showed me a snow globe. Okay, it wasn't that long ago, and it wasn't really a faraway kingdom. It was the Forks Valley. It looked faraway because you barely see it through the smog. But to me? Growing up, the Valley was my kingdom. 

I was my dad's best friend, and he was mine. Being raised by a man put me behind in the makeup and fashion department. But I never felt like I missed out on anything. I was the luckiest girl in the world.

My dad owned the coolest diner, and I loved hanging out there. It was the kind of place where a diet was a four-letter word and greese came at no additional charge. At Charlie's, everyone felt like a family. 

"Oh, yeah, I have drinks." Senna said, going back to the counter to grab them. I stared at her as she left, before I turned back to my Dad. He was smiling at me. I looked in front of me, and saw Zafrina was bringing a cake forward.

"Happy birthday!" My dad said, cheerfully, and Zafrina set the cake in front of me. The candles were lit, and I stared at them. "Make a wish princess!" Zafrina told me, I looked at Dad quickly, before I looked back at my cake shutting my eyes. 

What did I need a wish for? I had amazing friends and the coolest dad. But I guess my Dad thought I needed one more thing: Sue.

As soon as I was done blowing out the candle, I heard a crash beside me, and a scream. "I am so sorry!" She said- I would of recognized it anywhere. I looked beside me and noticed my Dad holding Sue in the air. It looked like she was about to fall over. 


"You look beautiful, Sue!" Someone had called, I didn't think so. She was wearing the shortest dress in history. Most woman would of killed to have a longer dress for their wedding, but not her.

"Hey, Charlie!" Someone called. I looked over, and saw one of his friends waving at him. No doubt wanting to give congrads to him for finally getting married again. 

Along with my new stepmother came her twin daughters, Leah and Victoria. My out-of-step-sisters. But as long as my Dad was happy, so was I. We were going to be one big, happy family.

"Cheese!" Sue and the twins said, I smiled, but just as the photographer was about to snap the photo, Sue had dropped her flowers, so I bent down to pick them up. "One's enough," Sue said as I stood back up with the flowers in my hand. 

I looked around awkwardly, before I glanced up at Sue and my Dad. He was staring at the photographer, and I sighed. Unfortunately, this was no fairy tale. 


"He took her hand, and he kissed it. Then he swooped her up onto his horse. And the beautiful princess and the handsome prince rode off to his castle... where they Iived happily ever after." My dad said, as he finished the story.

We were in my bedroom, and he was reading me a story before bed. "Do fairy tales come true, Dad?" I asked him. I looked up at him, and he stared down at me. "Well, no. But dreams come true," Was his response.


"Do you have a dream?" I asked him curiously. He smiled at me, and ruffled my hair. "Yeah," He replied. "My dream is that you'll grow up and go to college, and then maybe someday you'll build your own castle," 

College, build my own castle?

"Where do princesses go to college?" I asked him.

He didn't answer right away, it was like he was thinking about it. "They go... where the princes go, they go to Princeton," 

I nodded my head, staring at the story book. "But, Bell, you know, fairy tales aren't just about finding handsome princes. They're about fullfilling your dreams... and about standing up for what you believe in," He told me.

I looked up at him, staring into his eyes. "As I always say, never let the fear of striking out-," He started to say.

"Keep you from playing the game," I finished, giggling bit. He smiled at me. "Right," He agreed. We both laughed now, and he pulled me closer to him, hugging me. "Just remember, if you look carefully, this book contains important things... that you may need to know later in life," 

I nodded my head, and he leaned in and kissed my forehead. I smiled, and looked over at the snow globe on my dresser. I noticed the snow in it started to move, so I moved away from my Dad, and continued to stare at it.

I could feel his eyes watching me, and soon the whole room started to shake. The light beside my bed fell from the wall, and landed on my dresser. We both sat up in a hurry. "Earthquake!" He shouted, and I threw the covers off of my body.

My kingdom crumbled during the Northridge earthquake.

He helped me off of my bed, and brought me to the door. He held onto me. "Help! Help!" Sue had called, and he looked off in the direction of where she was. "Don't go!" I pleaded him, as he let go of me. "I'll be right back!" He reassured me.

He stood up, but I never let go of his hand, I held on for dear life. He was arm length away, and I watched him. He let go of my hand, and soon he walk away to help Sue. I turned just in time to look in my bedroom, and saw the snow globe Dad gave to me smash to the ground. 

I lost my best friend that day. 

From then on, the only fairy tales in my life... were the ones I read about in books. 

Since my father didn't leave a will, my stepmother got everything. 

The house, the diner, and to her dismay, me.


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