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A/N So now Alice knows, and she is happy! Well thats good. I mean what best friend wouldn't be happy that their friend is now sort of in a relationship? Everything should be all good! Right? Or not right? ;) Alice isn't grounded anymore, and Bella has Edward now. All she needs is Princeton and she is all set, right? Wrong. I promised you twists and they are coming. Don't you worry. You might hate me, but like I said... I LOVE YOU! <3 So very much. Now onto the story!

You will probably hate me for this chapter. BUT I STILL LOVE YOU <3 Are you ready for it? Warning you now that you will probably hate me. But continue. :P



Today was the big game! Edward's big game. I couldn't believe it had been a week since everything had happened, and he was right. Everything was different now. Every day we'd see each other. Usually at night time meeting in the meadow, but school was finally good.

Edward's clan had left me alone, and all that was left was Tanya's. It wasn't as bad as before though, and now that I had Edward I could really care less about Tanya and her clan. I just find it easier to ignore them now that I have him.

CindereIIa... if you're listening, your prince wants to rendezvous with you atter the pep rally. The PA announcer said suddenly. I tried to not let it get to me, since I was walking in the hallway. If I stopped, or froze I could be questioned. 

Was this his secret way of meeting? But why would be make an announcement about it? And he's already found me. Either way, I was happy.


I pushed my way through the crowd, and sat in a spot near the front. It wasn't close, but it wasn't far away either. It was just right! I could see him though, smiling in his chair at the front. His eyes suddenly caught mine, and he winked at me.

I couldn't help but blush a bit. This was how it works, he'd wink at me and I'd blush. He drove me crazy! The things he did, and made me feel...

"The cheerIeaders have put together a skit to heIp get us in the spirit," A teacher said, and pointed to a little stage. Everyone turned their attention to the stage, so I followed them. Tanya walked on stage, in her cheerleading outfit.

She was the captain so no doubt this skit was all her idea. "Thank you," She smiled sweetly at the teacher. Only the students could see through her fakeness, all an act.

"Once upon a time, there was a big, strong Fighting Frog," As she said it, a person in a king frog costume came out from behind the curtain. Some people in the crowd laughed. "He had a beautifuI girIfriend, and his dad owned the biggest pond in aII the Iand." She finished.

More people came out, as they started acting it out. "But he stiII wasn't happy. If onIy he can find a princess, then she couId kiss him...turn him into a prince, and they wouId run away together," She said sadly. "One night, after the sIimy frog ditches his super-hot senior-poII-most-popuIar girIfriend, he meets his princess.'' 

I looked around the crowd for a second, before I glanced at Edward. He was staring at the stage, his whole attention there.

"AIas, it turned out that our frog not onIy had a secret identity...but aIso had a secret e-maiI reIationship with a pen paI named Princeton GirI.'' My eyes widened as she finished her sentence. Her eyes suddenly turned my way, and she stared at me.

She tore her gaze from my own, to look at Edward. This isn't good. Should I run? If I ran would she find a way to stop me? Would she embarass me somehow?

"Dear Princeton GirI, I can't wait tiII we finaIIy get to meet. You're the onIy one who understands the reaI me. The man who doesn't want to pIay USC footbaII. But who wants to be at Princeton, with you," Tanya read off a piece of paper.

The frog had sat down on the nearby person and was pretending to type on a laptop. The blood had rushed from my face, and I felt like throwing up. "What are they talking about?" I heard Edward's father ask him. I was close enough to hear him.

Edward looked nervous. "Nothing," He replied. The hurt hit me, and I felt the tears begin to spill in my eyes.

"Dear Nomad, I want you to know who I am, but I'm scared! I'm scared that you'II reject me. And I've never had a reaI kiss before," Tanya said. A girl came out, wearing a white ball gown. She started acting like she was scared,and made weird facial expressions.

"I can't believe they are reading my emails," I whispered, shocked. I was still fighting the tears. I couldn't cry, I wouldn't cry in front of them. "Come on," Alice said beside me. I didn't know how she found me, but I was glad. I tried to make my way with Alice through the crowd.

"But our princess had a secret too. She wasn't royaIty at aII, but a geek, a Ioser, a servant gir!" Tanya called out. Everyone was looking around now. I took this opportunity to look at Edward, he was looking angry, nervous, embarassed. "Any ideas about this?" His father asked him,and he shook his head no.

Everything was falling into place, the world was suddenly falling and I could barely breath. I wanted to run, I wanted to cry, I wanted to do so much, but I stood frozen staring at him. 

"Give it up for the pretend princess, diner girI, Bella Swan!" Tanya pointed at me, and then I had all eyes on me. Even Edward's father looked back to stare at me! I couldn't understand what he was thinking though, his face was blank.

Edward even turned to look at me. I saw a look of disgust on his face. The hurt set in, the tighening feeling in my chest crushing me down. The tears fell down my face, as I could no longer hide them. "Come on," Alice muttered to me.

She wrapped her arms around me, and we pushed our way through the crowd.


 Hate me? </3

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