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A/N Ohhh! He asked the store owner. I bet you didn't see that coming did you? ;) But what could that possibly mean? Will the man of the store tell him who his Cinderella is? Or will she tell him that she is Cinderella? Anything is possible. Anything can happen. BUT BEWARE FOR THE TWISTS! It was sort of short. The last one was like 1000 something words. So! D: I sowie if it seemed short. Debating actually, if Cinderella and the prince should end up together. It'd be cheesy, but if they don't end up together is a twist. Huh? Yeah it is! What to do... what to do! Anyways heres the chapter:



" And then she toId us that she was going to try to steaI Edward away from you if that was the Iast thing she did." Victoria said. The twins were sitting at a table with Tanya and her clan.

"Our stepsister has aIways been jeaIous of you." Leah added. The twins were wearing matching outfits, one blue and the other red. "Go on," Tanya urged them. Tanya was furious, but wanted to know more. "WeII, that's when she invented this whoIe CindereIIa pIot. She got ahoId of Edward's e-maiI address... and that's when she started the whoIe affair," Victoria said.

Tanya exchanged a look with two side kicks. They had a look of disgust and shock on their faces. "We wanted to teII you sooner, but she threatened to kiII us," Victoria fake sobbed. "She's such a monster!" Leah replied, nodding her head.

Tanya raised an eyebrow, staring at the twins. She didn't care if they were lying, Tanya was still going to get her revenge. Tanya was furious, and all she could think about was going to Edward and telling him the truth so he could he hers again.

"Look, if you don't beIieve us, Iook at the e-maiIs," Victoria pulled out her phone, and showed Tanya the screenshots she took. "She goes by Princeton GirI 818, but her reaI name is Bella Swan," Victoria finished showing the photos to her.

"And we're Leah and Victoria." Leah added, smiling. Like she was proud to be included. Victoria turned and gave Leah a look. "So that IittIe boyfriend steaIer thinks she can puII a fast one on me?" Tanya asked, her voice high with anger. "WeII, we'II just see about that!"


Edward walked back into the costume shop, he had been coming back here day after day to find out who she was. The owner of the store seemed to get clues each day, but secretly Edward thought he knew already. But if the owner knew, why couldn't he tell him?

"Any luck?" Edward asked the store owner. The owner seemed like a loney man, maybe he wanted company? The owner of the store smiled at him. "Yes," He said. Edward walked over to the counter, and stood in front of it.

"The lady came in here with two other people, looking for a costume," The owner seemed to be in deep concentration, though it looked kind of fake. "And?" Edward asked. The owner of the store blinked, and looked at Edward sadly. "That is it,"

Edward sighed, and frowned. Hes been getting the run around for days now. He was sick of it. "Are you sure?" He asked the owner. The owner of the store shrugged, and looked away from Edward. Thas when it hit Edward. "You know who she is, don't you?"

The owner of the store didn't say anything, just started looking stuff up on his computer. "Aro, please," Edward pleaded. Aro looked from his computer, and stared at Edward. Sympathy crossed his face after a little bit, before he sighed.

"Alright, I'll tell you," Aro sighed, before he pulled out a piece of paper and started writing something down. He folded it and handed it to Edward after a second. "Now go," Aro motioned for him to leave the store. "I have to close up,"

Edward grabbed his stuff, and rushed for the door. Once he got outside, he opened the folded piece of paper, and stared down at the name.



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