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A/N Twist! It was the mask not the phone... duh nun nun! How is that going to play out? For all of you saying its almost the exact ssame, just wait and see. Got twists up my sleve. It's basically like it: sort of. But I got some other plans for it. Well more plans! XD Sorry to leave a cliff hanger again- I just felt like the chapter should of ended there. It was like the most perfecft part! You got to admit, it was a good part. Right? Right? I mean come on! So cute. XD Now on with the story

Chapter 9


"I almost kissed Edward Cullen!" I told her, as she drove off. "I totally, totally kissed Jasper Hale!" She told me, smiling to herself. "Wait, so, what? What did he say when he found out that you were you?" She asked me. I sighed. "He didn't say, because he didn't find out," I told her. 

"You didn't tell him? Why not?" Alice demanded. "Alice, I live in an attic, okay? I drive a beat-up old car, and he's expecting a Malibu Barbie. I'll be doing him a favor if I just disappear." We both went quiet, and she just stared at the road as she drove. 

We suddenly hit a red light, and I looked beside us. I couldn't help but gasp. Beside us in the car, was Sue and the twins! The twins were staring at me in shock! "It's Bella! Over there!" Victoria shouted. Sue looked over to the car, just as I had ducked down. "Hi, Mrs. Swan," Alice smiled at her. 

"Mom, she was right there! She's in the car," Victoria said. "We saw her, Mom," Leah added in. I continued to stay ducked down. "That's ridiculous. She's working tonight. She would never disobey me," Sue said. 

"She was there!" Leah said. "She was with her, in the car!" Victoria said. Soon I heard the car drive away, so I sat back up. "Did they see me?" I asked her. She shook her head. "No, I don't think so... but the wannabe Olsen twin's might have," She warned. 

I groaned. "I know you wanna take care of this car, but can you step on it?" I asked her. She snorted. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm already going 38 in a 35-mile zone, Bella... so can you just lay off, please?" She asked. I tapped my finger against the car handle.

"Come on, catch up to them!" I told her. She started going faster, and we made it to a light. "Go, go!" I told her. But she stopped. "FYI, Bella, yellow means slow down, okay? Not speed up." She said. I rolled my eyes. "Alice, you could've totally made that light," 

We raced back, and finally made it to the diner. I noticed Sue's car wasn't here. So I ran from the car, and went in through the backway. I walked into the kitchen, and put my hair up in my usual hat. I even threw on my work shirt and apron. "I told you she wasn't here!" I heard Victoria say. Everyone started talking then, trying to distract her.

"Everyone shut up!" Sue screamed. I made my way towards the little window, and put some pancake mix on my face. Luckily for me there was already a pancake here, ready to be set out. "When I find her, I'm gonna wring her-," She started to say, but I took it as my opportunity. 

I rung the little bell. "Order's up!" I called. Everyone looked my way, Sue looked shocked, confused, before she snapped out of it. "Bella, what are you doing back there?" She asked me. I poured some mix into the hot pan. "Working on my cooking skills," I replied, calmly. 

"Yeah! I was teaching her to make pancakes," Demetri- the cook said. I would have to thank him later. "How was the dance girls?" I asked the twins, they both looked annoyed. Sue and the twin's left after that, and I had to sigh in relief.

I was still wearing the dress, I was just glad you couldn't see below my waist at the window, or else I would of been screwed. It was a huge relief to know I wasn't caught, for now that is.


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