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A/N I am back with another chapter. I am sorry. I have been busy! Its exam week, and I just finished writing an exam today. Hopefully I did well! Not going to say I aced it though, because when you do you usually end up bombing it. Haha anyways, I am writing and saving as drafts, so this will probably be posted tomorrow or sometime this week. Its getting close to the end people! And then I can focus on other stories and get them finished! Like Choosing Fate. Just been on writers block for a while and such. Anyways lets get tot he story!



I walked through the change room fast, not even caring who was there. I saw boys getting changed, I saw them in their uniforms talking, but none the less I continued on my quest to find him. "Check it!" I heard one of the players say. "Chick at 3' oclock," Everyone was looking at me now. 

I turned and finally I found him. He was leaning up against a locker, sitting on a bench talkin with his football buddies. "Hey diner girl!" One of the players shouted. "What's she doing in here?" Another asked. I ignored them, and walked up to him.

As soon as he saw me, he almost fell over. He stood up. "B-Bella," He stuttered, and looked down at me. "Okay, I know you think I'm just some-" He started to say, but I cut him off. "Coward? Phony?" I suggested. 

"Okay, just listen," He said to me. I narrowed my eyes at him. "No you listen," He shut up then, and everyone was quiet in the change room. "You turned out to be exactIy who I thought you were." I all but yelled. "I never pretended to be somebody eIse. It's been me aII aIong."

"And it was me who was hurt in front of everybody." I muttered. I was almost ready to break down in cry, but I didn't. I sighed, the wave of anger leaving my body. "Look, I didn't come here to yeII at you, okay?" I told him. It was the truth.

"I came to teII you I know what it feeIs Iike to be afraid to show who you are." I moved closer to him a bit, but not too close. "I was. But I'm not anymore," I confessed. "And the thing is, I don't care what peopIe think about me," I looked around a the other people for a second, before turning back to him.

"Because I beIieve in myseIf. And I know that things are gonna be okay." He was staring at me intensely. "But even though I have no famiIy and no job and no money for coIIege... it's you I feel sorry for," He was staring at me, his green eyes pierced mine.

"Heads up. Yo, five minutes!" One of his players said as he came into the changing area. I turned to look at him, I could see from the corner of my eye his intense stare. He never stopped looking at me. "I'm coming," He called to him, still staring at me.

"I know that guy that sent those e-maiIs is somewhere down inside of you." I said softly. "But I can't wait for him..." I finally said. It was hard to tell what he was thinking, his face was hard, blank. "Because waiting for you is Iike waiting for rain in this drought." I continued.

"UseIess and disappointing," I finally said. I stared at him one last time, before I turned and walked away. "Bella!" He called after me, but I know he didn't follow me.

I walked out of the change room into the hall, as soon as I got in the hall I couldn't help but notice the small pixel like girl coming towards me. "Bella!" She called. I made my way over to her. "Bella," She said again. "Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked her.

She was at my side now. "Zafrina toId me where you might be. I thought you couId use a friend. Come here." She muttered, and pulled me in for a hug. I accepted it, and hugged her back. "Bella, I'm so proud of you! You did-- your step mom and Edward, all in one day. How do you feel?" She asked me.

"I'II Iet you know when I can catch my breath," I muttered, and we pulled back from each other. "Let's do something tonight." She put a hand on her forehead. "WeII, I was actuaIIy thinking about going to the game... but I understand if you don't wanna do that," She muttered.

Why did she want to go to the game? She never goes to these things... was it Jasper Hale? Her new boyfriend? Well pretty much boyfriend... Probably. "No, I'll go." I told her. Her face lit up, I could tell she was surprised though. "Really? You'll go to the game?" She asked me.

"Yeah. I can handIe it now. It'II be our first and Iast." She smiled at me. "And besides, if I don't go, who eIse is gonna expIain the game to you?" I said, jokingly. She nodded her head softly. "Yeah," She muttered under her breath. I laughed.

We both started walking down the hallway now. I finally noticed her outfit. "I Iike what you're wearing. What character are you today?" I asked her. She looked down at the floor though. "Myself," She mumbled. I smiled.

"I think it's your best look," I told her. She looked up from the floor, and smiled at me again. "Thank you," She said. We walked through the hallway out to the field to watch the big game.


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