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A/N: Well here is chapter 3 you all! It seems more and more like the movie- It is sort of based on it. Well really it is. Took the plot, just changing the names and doing some thoughts and stuff- but twists are sure to come your way! Just wait and see, alright? Here this chapter. Hoope you enjoy.

Chapter 3


I pulled up in front of my best friend Alices house, and honked the horn. Most of the time she took hours to get ready, her changing her outfit so many times. I looked towards the garage, and saw Alice's dad working on his car.

"Hey, looking good, Mr. Brandon!" I called to him. He stood up, and smiled at me. "A mans best friend is his Mercedes, Bella," He said before he turned back to his car. "I'll remember that,"

I looked in time to see Alice walking out of the house. "Any- Anything is possible if you just believe!" She looked like she was concentrating. "Anything is possible if you just-," She was cut off. 

"Audition today?" Her father asked her. She turned towards him, and smiled. "Yeah, at 5. All right? Tell Mom," Alice said. He turned back to his car, and starting playing with stuff under the hood. "Knock em dead!" Her dad called.

I rolled my eyes as she took note of me sitting in the car. "Dad. Now, do you see what I have to go to school in? No offence, Bella," She said to me. "Honestly, don't you feel sorry for me?"

Her dad stood up again, and wiped his hands on a near by towel. "No, I feel sorry about the three cars we got you that you totaled," Bingo! The one thing about Alice? She couldn't drive that well. She likes to go over the speed limit, and not pay attention to the roads. 

"Okay, All right." She said, before she got into the car. I stared as her as she got in. Was she crazy? She was wearing big puffy multi colored pants, with a zebra print shirt on. She also had a orange bow on her head, with a blue scarf on her neck.

"Alice, what are you wearing?" I asked her. She turned towards me. "What? This is my costume for the play," She pouted. I glared at her outfit. "I am not driving you to school like that," 

"Bella! I'm an actor. This is part of my audition," She looked down at her outfit, and I leaned over to get a better look. "I know, I know, I know," I mumbled. "But look at this!" I grabbed a fist full of her pants, and she sighed.

"Alright, take two!" She said, before she got out of the car, and went back inside to change. When she came back out, she was wearing a simple dress. It looked much better, and actually looked really nice on her!

She said her goodbye's again, and then we were off to school. I pulled up into the parking lot, and drove around looking for a spot. "Primo parking spot dead ahead!" Alice called, pointing to the spot. I was about to pull in when a white car flashed in front of me. 

"Okay, there's a spot! There's a spot!" I heard a female voice shout, and then giggle. "Bella, watch out! Watch out." Alice called, and I had to slam on the breaks. I sighed. "You snooze, you lose!" The girls called to us, I sighed.

"Well if it isn't Tanya Denali and her ladies in waiting," Alice sneered. She glared at her. "I would so knock her dead!" She threatened, and I chuckled. "I bet you would," 

She nodded her head, before she looked around the parking lot. "There's another spot!" She told me, pointing to the open spot just down the lot. I moved the car towards it. "Got it," I told her. Just as I was about to pull in and get it, another car pulled in.

"Come on!" I screamed in frustration. The boys got out of the jeep, and started laughing, I just ignored them, and tried to start my car again, and thats when Edward Cullen walked out, I couldn't help but stare at him when he walked out. 

"Edward!" Tanya had called, as she made her way over to him, shaking her hips a bit too much along the way. "I swear, people like Tanya and Edward are genetically programmed to find each other," I muttered. "How can so much ego be in a relationship?"

"Imagine what they say about you," Alice muttered, while I snorted. "They don't even know I exist," I reassured her. If only that were the case!

"Stalkerazzi at 3 o'clock!" One of Tanya's minions had said. Was it Kate? Everyone laughed, and then Tanya looked our way. "The white zone is for cool people only. No geeks," She yelled to us, causing more laughter. 

"Hey, diner girl, can I get a breakfast burrito to go? Thank you." One of Edward's friend's asked. Was his name Tyler? I didn't really care. Edward just stood in the middle of it. I bit my lip, holding myself back from crying. 

"And you thought they didn't know you exist," Alice teased. I sighed, and moved towards a parking spot. 


Alice and I were walking through the hallway, when Eric walked over to us. "Greetings. Bella, you look absolutely stunning today, as per usual," Alice chuckled beside me, and nudged me, winking. "Thanks, Eric," I said to him. 

"Now if you will excuse me, I must get back to my galaxy now," He explained, picking up his cell phone that was ringing. "Zion, Lieutenant Eric here. Hello?" He started walking away. "Can you hear me? Captain? You're going in and out," 

Alice started laughing. "Poor guy!" She said. I rolled my eyes. "At least hes happy," I suggested. She looked at me like I was nuts. "Happy?" I nodded my head. "Guy lives in another world!" 

"Sometimes fantasy is better than reality, Alice," I told her. It was true, and I was one to know. Suddenly my phone beeped, and I pulled it out of my bag. "Speaking of fantasy!" Alice chirped. I rolled my eyes, and hit her shoulder. "I'll see you later,"

I started walking the other way. "Yes, the secret admirer beckons," She called as I walked away. I chuckled a little before I walked away to a safe place. I ended up on a bench outside. It went around in a circle, so I sat down on it. 

I pulled out my phone and read it.

Where have you been? We haven't talked in ages.

I chuckled reading it, and sent a text back. We talkted this morning.

It wasn't long before I got a response back. I can't stop thinking about you. What's on your mind right now?

I thought about it. I couldn't think of anything, so I texted him back. You first.

Well, I'm thinking that Professor Banner dissected one to many frogs. I looked up, and saw Professor Banner sitting on a near by chair, eating an apple. Except instead of swallowing it, he was spitting it out. It looked funny.

I looked around at the students now, looking at the people texting. Almost everyone was. Here I thought I could find him, but I knew I couldn't. He had to be close though, to see Professor Banner and the apple.

Ribet, ribet. He replied.

I chuckled. Laugh out loud. 

I wanna hear your laugh. When can we finally meet? 

I thought about it. Could we meet? Probably, but when? I was too nervous to think about meeting him. The bell rung, and before I got up to go to call I hit the send button.

Soon. I promised. I did want to meet him eventually.


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