Chapter 2

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*Jacks POV*

Present Day

I return back to my home to restock on food, supplies, and some money. I guide my horse to its stable, and let it drink some water and eat.

One of my servants holds out a plate of food, and a cup of water. I take the food eagerly. "Thank you." The servant bows and walks away with the tray.

I haven't eaten for a few days because I had ran out of food during my journey. These past couple months were not in the least fruitful. No one in the city of Acraba has ever seen a woman wearing the necklace.

The desert journey, was hard on my way back. I felt completely defeated. Not a single person saw her.

"Hey Jack! You're home!" A voice calls in a joyful tone. I get up from my couch to greet my friends. Kristoff, Hiccup and even Flynn.

"Flynn? What are you doing here man?" I say shaking his hand then patting him on the back. Flynn just chuckles.

"I heard that you've had a bit of trouble trying to find your beloved."

"Yeah," I rub the back of my neck. "Apparently everyone does."

"Well Jack, its been two years! You need help." Hiccup says speaking up.

"No," I say waving it away and walking to my fireplace. "I can handle this."

"Jack, either except the help we are offering, or give up your search."

"Never! Kristoff how could you say such a thing? Would you want me telling you to give up?"

"You can't. I'm only 21."

"Exactly. I refuse to give up my search. I still have five cities to go see." A servant comes with a tray, it has some brandy and four glasses. I sigh and pour some reluctantly.

She takes the other three glasses to the rest of the guys, they take it the drink with more eagerness than I did. Once the servant leaves we continue our conversation.

"Which cities do you have left?" Hiccup asks.

"StoryBrook, Enchanted, Paris, Neverland, and Corona." I say simply before taking a small sip. Flynn holds up his hands. "Wait wait wait. Corona?"

"Yeah so?"

"Jack. Has that trip to the desert melted your brain?"

"Get, to the point Flynn."

"Alright alright. Corona is where I live. It's where my wife lives. She's the princess. If anyone has probably seen her, Rapunzel is the person you want to talk with."

My face starts to light up with hope. "Really?"

"Yes. Just give me a days journey to go and tell her that you're coming."

"Go! Go now. Please." I say a little too desperate. Flynn chuckles putting down his glass. "I'm on my way. Remember, just give me one day head start." He says putting on his coat.

"Yes I understand. Now please just go!"

"Look out everyone. Jack Frost is about to go on a rampage."

"Go!!" All of us say at once. Flynn laughs again as he heads out the door. Kristoff shakes his head. "You know, out of all of us, he is the most arrogant bastard I've ever met."

"I'll drink to that." Hiccup says raising his glass. I don't drink mine. I just run my fingers along the glass. She is right within my reach. So close..

"Jack. You there?" Hiccup asks. I take a deep breath before answering. "Yeah. I just...I just need to get some things together for the trip to Corona."

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