Chapter 14

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*Elsas POV*

I snap close my suitcase and pause. We will dock at Corona in just half an hour.

It's hard to believe that we're practically there. Today is also a momentous occasion, because as of three o'clock this afternoon, I will officially be twenty-two years old.

Everything is happening so fast. This past couple of weeks have made it feel like it's been months. I'm not ready for tonight. My nerves are jumping all over the place, it's almost too much.

I have to get over this. Everyone in the world looks forward to a day like this. I should be happy that today is finally here. But then there's a possibility that Jack may not be the one. Oh how my heart will break.

I take a deep breath and lift up my suitcase, then I grab my shoulder bag. Anna is waiting for me at the door. "You ready to see Punzie?" She asks smiling.

"Of course I am. It's been way too long since we've last seen her."

She claps her hands. "I'm so excited!! Now come on so we can wait on deck."

I giggle as she stumbles her way up the stairs. Anna is a little bundle of energy right now. Ever since I had to take over as queen, there hasn't been much time to go and visit. Plus I've been trying to find my sole mate in all of my free time.

This trip was supposed to be easy. Instead I fell hard and fast for someone who I probably shouldn't have.

I'm going to miss him so much. The wind is blowing creating a cool breeze, I feel it the moment we get outside. The tide has come in. Overall it is perfect weather. Even the sky is clear.

I lean against the railing as I gaze at the horizon. Rapunzels castle can be seen just on the edge of the water. Her home looking majestic. I sigh staring at it as we drift closer. Once we get there my life will go back to the way it was before I set foot on this boat.

Someone taps on my shoulder. "Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" He asks a little nervous.

"Sure." Jack and I go inside the bridge. Once he shuts the door, he closes the distance between us bringing me into an embrace. I hold on tightly.

"I'm going to miss you Elsa Marie." He whispers. His voice so gentle and soft it makes me long to go with him. To be a normal person forever. I wouldn't even care if I don't have as much money anymore. As long as I get to be with him."I'm going to miss you too Jack."

He pulls away just enough to look at me. "How did I get so lucky to meet you?"

"Luck? What are you talking about? You found me on the side of the road because my carriage crashed."

He chuckles a deep laugh coming from his chest. I feel it vibrate through my hands resting on him. "Okay I'll take it. You're right. But it worked out for the best. Didn't it?"

"I guess it did." I laugh as well. Jack puts his hand on my cheek, his thumb rubbing gentle circles. His gaze intense and focused, I've never seen this look in his eyes before.

"We got interrupted last time, I was going to tell you something." Jack says softly. I almost can't breathe, my heart is pounding.

"But first, I have to do this just...just one last time." I don't even bother to ask because I know. He leans down and kisses me.

His lips move slow, the gentleness of it so loving. I respond and start to kiss him back. Our kiss is slow enough to where I can feel our lips part, telling me to kiss him some more.

Vice versa for Jack as well. It's like we can't stop kissing each other. Our lips moving together in perfect sinc. Though we still keep it soft and slow. Jacks tongue goes across my lips, then he kisses me a few more times before pulling away.

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