Chapter 16

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*Elsas POV*

Anna and I keep on doing the dance. Rapunzel left really fast to see some of Flynn's friends who came to see her.

Anna takes off her slippers, and starts sliding around the floor. "Anna be careful!" I yell out.

She looks my way, then looses her balance and crashing right into a stone pillar with a copper vase. The vase falls to the ground. I mutter a curse and run over to Anna.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." She says wiping off her dress.

I nod my head. "I better tell Rapunzel. She probably heard that." Quickly I run out of the small ballroom, and into the throne room.

"Rapunzel I am so sorry. Anna slipped and-" I stop suddenly and cover my necklace. My eyes almost pop out of my head.

Jack is here.

Does he know about me being-?

"Everyone, this is my cousin, Queen Elsa. Elsa, these are knights from Burgess." Rapunzel says interrupting my thoughts, she gestures to the three familiar faces. Kristoff has a smirk on his face, like he knew the entire time.

I narrow my eyes at him. Hiccup has his jaw hanging open, he's still shocked. But Jack...I can't read his face.

I can't move. I can't even speak. "Queen Elsa, are you okay?" Flynn asks me. I shake my head and look at only Flynn and Rapunzel.

"I'm sorry..Excuse me." I quickly walk past and go out the door on the other side. This one leads to the outside thank goodness. Just where I wanted to go.

I run far and deep into the garden. Away...Away.....Away.. A voice whispers as I run through the garden. I listen to it.

Why is Jack here?

How could I forget? He told that he was going to be in Corona. Gosh how I could be so stupid?!

Why else would a knight go to another country?

My feet take me around the corner of a large hedge. Fortunately, there's a bench to sit on. I rest and sit down, there's a small fountain about ten feet from where I am.

My eyes start feeling heavy. Probably from my crying. I lay down and close my eyes. Only for a few minutes.

*Rapunzels POV*

Elsa leaves the room in a huge hurry. Like she couldn't wait to get out of here. We're all standing in silence after the door closes behind Elsa.

Hiccup the knight, looks the most shocked out of the three of them. Kristoff leans over and closes his jaw, he slaps away Kristoffs hand.

"Princess, would you like for me to go get the queen?" Jack asks me politely. I nod my head.

"Of course, please." He gives me a small bow, then walks out the same door Elsa did.

"Judging by your reactions, I'd say that you know the queen?" Flynn asks the two other knights. Hiccup answers him.

"Yes, we met her on our way to the docks back at Burgess. Her carriage had crashed, and Jack offered her and princess Anna passage on my ship to Corona."

"Did they ever tell you who they were?"

"No. They didn't. Which should explain our reactions." He says with a dip of sarcasm to his friend. I want to laugh but resist the urge.

"Well, come with me. It's time you boys had some fun, and I'm sure that you would like to see princess Anna again."

Kristoff smiles. "Yes princess, of course."

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