Chapter 10

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*Elsas POV*

"Anna can we please be done already?" I beg as she pins my dress sleeve for the fifth time. My arm has been up for a few minutes, and it feels like it's about to fall off.

"No! I'm not done yet. Now please stay still as I finish up."

I groan in annoyance. We've been at this for the last couple of hours. She's successfully made two of our dresses. Right now she's almost done with my second dress.

The only thing that has kept my mind off my aching arm, is what happened with Jack in my room this morning.

The way he looked at me before he started leaning in. I felt his breath on my face when he was just barely an inch away from my lips.

He ended up just kissing my cheek. A small yet, intimate gesture. It was like he was saying, someday, with that kiss. But it also felt like that would be the last time we would be that close to each other.

There's two different voices in my head. One telling me that Jack is the one. That he is my sole mate, the one I've been searching for. And that I should go and investigate him to confirm it.

The other voice, on the other hand, is saying that this is a bad idea. Growing so close to Jack. Every laugh, tear, and hug, is dangerous. A chance that things could go wrong. That I could get my hopes up, only for that hope to be destroyed. Leaving me broken and never wanting anyone else.

Every day, these two voices fill my head. Like an inner battle going on inside my head.

But there's also an outer voice.

Lately she's been pushing me more and more to open up to Jack. Spend time with him. Ask him more about himself.

It's strange behavior coming from her. But then again, she's also my sister. And sometimes I need to just listen to her.

"Hey Anna.."

"I swear if you ask me if we're done one more time-"

"I'm not I promise."

She cuts off a piece of cloth from my dress. "Okay, what is it?"

"Why do you want me to spend so much time with Jack lately?" I ask as she sows a string into place. She freezes when I ask her. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you've just been pushing me to be with him a lot. I'm just wondering why."

She stares at me for a moment then shakes her head. "It's just because you guys get along so good is all."

She continues to hem and everything else. But the way she said that, and her body language, tell a different story. "That's not why is it?"


"No. Tell me."

She sighs putting down the scissors. "Is this really worth an argument over? It's really just because you guys get along well. Plus he's close to your age. You deserve someone who is at least on the intellectual level."

"Anna, you know that's not the real reason. I talk with you about everything. To school work and politics. You're avoiding the question." I say smiling. This isn't a big deal honestly. I'm just curious.

I mean, could you really blame me? Plus it would also clear some things up in my head. Anna giggles in an excited way. "Okay okay I'll tell you. You aren't going to believe this,-"

There's some knocking on the door. Jack and Kristoff both come inside. "Good we found all three of you. We wanted to tell you that we're taking a short stop to restock on some last minute items." Jack says.

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