Chapter 13

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*Anna's POV*

I put my ear on the door, making sure that no one is close by. "Anna, tell me now. What is going on?"

"What are you guys doing in Corona?" I ask ignoring his question. He raises his eyebrow confused. "What?"

"You Jack and Hiccup are knights, going to Corona. What are your plans there? You told me that you're going to the castle. Why?"

Kristoff sighs closing his eyes. "The guys would kill me if they found out I told you.."


"Well, probably Jack would do the most damage since-"


"Sorry sorry. We're going to castle because..there's a large opportunity that, we could find Jack's sole mate there. After we dock, we're all going to see princess Rapunzel."

My eyes widen. They're going to the castle to see the princess. Elsa and I are going to be with her almost the whole day. "Anna, you said that you had to tell me something. Does it have to do with I just told you?"

"Mmhm." I hum keeping my lips pressed together. Kristoff kneels so that we're at equal eye level. "Anna, what's going on?"

"Please don't freak out." I take a deep breath and begin to tell him.

*Elsas POV*

~The next day~

My fingers trace the details of my necklace. The only gift that I've kept for so long. What once seemed so simple, now holds a thousand questions.

I still wonder if father knew of Jack, and that's what inspired him to get this necklace. Or have it made.

I've never made this shape with my powers on my own. Even now I can't recreate it. The last time I was able to was when Jack showed me his powers for the first time.

At that thought, a tiny snowflake, almost the exact same as my necklace, hovers over my finger. I gasp dropping it.

Before I can think any more about it, there's a couple knocks on my door. Quickly I tuck the necklace inside my dress pocket.

"Come in." I call out. The door opens, revealing Jack in the doorway. "W-what are you doing here Jack?"

He lightly chuckles shutting the door. "I expected a bit of a different welcome but I'll take it."

He sits down on the stool in front of our dresser mirror. I purposely avoid his gaze by looking down at my hands. The air is filled with a few moments of awkward silence.



We say at the same time, I resist the urge to laugh and bite my lip smiling. "I want to talk about.....yesterday." He says. I pick at the fabric of the blanket. "I don't know what to tell you Jack."

"Well I do." I look at him confused as he comes over to my bed. He sits down next to me. " know as well as I do that there's something going on. Between us. And it's powerful."

I get up from the bed and walk away from him. "Jack please, I-...I can't think about this right now."

"That kiss meant something to me. Didn't you feel it?"

Yes...I can feel Jacks body heat near me. What's also noticeable is the snowflakes falling. I look at Jack just to make sure it's not me. Everything is clouding my mind, making my emotions go haywire.

"Conceal, don't feel, don't feel." I whisper. Those words haven't come out of my mouth in over a year. I hold my hands against my chest. Another, warmer one is placed on top.

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