Chapter 5

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Hey guys!

So sorry for the short chapter. But I just moved a few days ago and it's been hard.

I moved from a small town to a big city, and have been trying to adjust. I haven't felt much inspiration to write.

But hopefully this makes up for my absence.

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*Elsas POV*

Anna and I go through our clothes for something to wear tonight. "Ugh! I don't have anything!" Anna yells in frustration. She sits on her bed and crosses her arms.

"Anna, it's an informal dinner. You don't have to wear anything fancy. Wear that green dress." (The one she wears at the end of the movie)

She blows her hair out of her face. "Fine. But only because it's my favorite dress."

I giggle and start going through my own clothes. There's a dress I'm saving for when we get to Corona, a gorgeous green dress with flowers. That may be over the top. Plus, it would give away who I am.

I need a dress that will cover up my necklace too. Ever since, mom and dad, I haven't let anyone see it. Because then they would ask about it, and then I would have to talk about it.

My hands find a dark blue dress, with some purple and darker blue trim. The dress even comes with a jacket. (The one Elsa wears when her parents leave) It's perfect. Quickly I change out of my stained clothes, and into the blue dress.

It's nice, and simple at the same time. I look in the mirror and put my hair up in its usual french braid, royal bun. I keep my makeup simple and light. Barley any on.

Satisfied I turn to Anna. "What do you think?" I ask holding my arms out. She hums finishing up her braid. "Is it, just a little over done?"

I take a look back at the mirror and look at myself side to side. "Yeah, you're right." I sigh and dig through my suitcase. Finally there's a cream, and light blue dress. With intricate designs on the top and bottom. Although the neckline is barley going to be able to cover my necklace.


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"Ooooh. That one is nice. Why don't you wear that dress?"

" shows too much skin. And the top of the dress seems a bit over done." I rush. Anna gives me a look basically saying, really?

"I'll put on my light blue jacket to cover it up." I say starting to get it out. Anna puts her hand on top of mine and pushes my hand down. " could look nice. Maybe for the nice knight Jack Frost. They all know that we got at least as much money as they do. I mean, we were found with a nice carriage and two servants."

I sigh putting down the jacket. "Okay.." I bite my lip, as I put on the dress. What if I can't hide the necklace? What if I have to talk about it?

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