Chapter 8

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*Elsas POV*

Anna waves at me as she leaves with Kristoff. I don't pay much attention, my mind is focused on spending tonight with Jack.

We are currently sitting at a table, eating some local food and talking. "So, I run as fast as I can, away from my trainer." He coughs to keep from laughing, it only makes me laugh.

"And, Aster slips right on my ice!" Jack then bursts out laughing. I do as well. He's been telling me about the jokes he used to play on his knight trainer.

Jack also used to foster a kid named Jamie, who needed a sort of, older brother to look after him while his mom was working.

He said that his time with Jamie, was the best time he ever had ever since he had to leave his sister. And that he wouldn't trade it for anything.

I told Jack about some of the stuff from my childhood. Obviously, leaving out certain details. That's two things he can't know about me. The first me being royalty, and the other...

"May I walk you home ms. Marie?" He asks offering his arm, interrupting my thoughts. I smile and take it. "It would be a pleasure Mr. Frost."

Jack grins, he leads me out of the restaurant. I soon notice that we're taking more of the scenic route. We're on the coast, walking away from Ariels castle. Thank goodness.

"Something about the ocean at night just calms me." I say to myself, holding my hands in front of me. During out walk, I had let go of Jack's arm.

Jack stops and gives me his famous smirk. "Really? How come?"

I smile, looking at the water to keep myself from blushing. "I don't know," I shrug. "It just has. My house is built by the water..It's just always been there I guess, calming me as it crashes against the rocks."

There's a peaceful silence between us as we keep walking. I look up at the moon, and see strange black...things running in the air. "What are those things?"

"What is what?" Jack asks. I point to the strange black objects. Jacks eyes widen just a hair. "L-let's get back to the ship." He stumbles dragging me by my arm.

"Why? Jack what are those things?"

"Nothing. J-just smoke from a fire." He stutters again. I'm still confused, but I don't get a chance to ask him to explain himself. Because Jack keeps me moving, holding my hand tight in his, as we walk quickly back to Hiccups ship.


Back below deck, Jack seems a lot calmer now. He rubs the back of his neck. "I'm so sorry, for dragging you. I just felt like I keeping you out too late."

I'm still suspicious, over the strange creatures in the sky, but ignore it for now. "It's okay Jack. Really."

He smiles for the first time leaving that beach. "I uhh...I had a great time tonight."

A smile creeps up on my face. Maybe I should tell him, I think about it but instead I say something else; "So did I." My rational side won.

Jack leans forward, I close my eyes. His lips touch my cheek, they're warm and soft. My smile gets even bigger. He pulls away. "I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"Tomorrow morning."

Jack turns to leave, laughing to himself. He looks back at me a couple times smiling. I go inside my room and lean against the door, grinning ear to ear.

Footsteps come from the changing room, I try to act as normal as possible by brushing my hair. "Oh hey your back." Anna says, she had gotten changed into her green night gown.

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