Chapter 18

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*Elsas POV*

"Okay Elsa, put on the dress. Your hair is all done." Anna says fluffing up my hair a couple more times. Rapunzel had just left so that I could get changed in private.

"I'll see you in the throne room."

"Wait why-?" I ask turning around, I don't get to finish my question when I notice that she had already left. A groan escapes me in annoyance. My sister and cousin have been acting strange all day.

They've only pressed me twice about last night thank goodness. Besides,  how in the world I be able to explain it to them?? Jack was in my room last night before I had fallen asleep.

That hour together was ours. Too intimate to share with anyone else.  The look in his eyes before he kissed me again was everything. How he held me in his arms.

I look in the mirror to see how I look in the mirror. My hair is lightly curled, falling onto and behind my shoulders.

The sleeves are light olive in color, with gold bands. Two on each arm. The sleeves puff up a little bit from my elbows down.

Two strips of gold go to a point on my chest from each side, and go down the middle of my dress. The dress is a ocean blue with flowers all over it. The dress is a-line giving my body a figure.

I adjust the sleeves to make them off of my shoulders. Now it's perfect. Though why Anna and Rapunzel wanted me to get all dolled up is beyond me. It's weird behavior even for them.

If Jack was around right now he'd make some stupid comment. That I would be stupid enough to actually laugh at.

Ever since last night, I have not seen Jack. Not even his hair. And that can be seen from over a mile away. Still, it is rather odd. He's always around. But then again, I was in the office for quite a while doing some work.

A few knocks are made on my door. "Queen Elsa, princess Rapunzel has asked for you in the throne room." A male voice calls from the other side. Probably a servant.

"I'll be right there!" I call out. The sound of his feet walking away get quieter and quieter. I must be taking too long just standing here and getting lost in my own thoughts.

If she wants me there it has to be important. "It better be at least." I mumble to myself.

I take one last look in the mirror before leaving my room. The room that Rapunzel gave me is quite a ways away from the throne room. It's going to take me at least a couple of minutes to get down there.

Rapunzels room is across from me, and the one Anna is in, is next to Punzie. I pick up my pace as I go down the stairs.

*Jacks POV*

I clasp on my dark blue cape for the final piece of my armor. Well it's not really armor of course, it's just for show.

I shake my head, getting rid of the thought. It's just stupid rambling. My nerves are getting the best of me. There really shouldn't be anything to worry about.

I fell in love with Elsa long before I was absolutely sure that she was the one. From the beginning I had my suspicions, but it wasn't long before I forgot about the whole thing as Elsa and I spent more and more time together.

"Okay, Elsa is almost ready." Kristoff comes walking over, interrupting my nervous thoughts.

I take a deep breath puffing out my chest. "Good. Good." My hand grabs the hilt of my sword instinctively. Kristoff raises an eyebrow. "You're not nervous are you?" He asks in a teasing tone.

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