Chapter 6

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*Anna's POV*

Jack left to go comfort Elsa. It's a good thing too. It was starting to get colder and I knew it was because Kristoff brought up the great freeze. That was the day no one in Arendale will forget.

The day Elsa lost control over her powers.

Jack takes me outside. He leans against the railing. "Elsa, uhh...She freaked out tonight."

"What do you mean?"

He runs his hand over his face and puts his hand on his hip. "Look, you can't tell anyone about this okay?" He says in a serious tone.

"Of course. Now what is it?"

He sighs and rubs his hands together. Jack lifts one hand and creates a snowflake. I gasp. It almost looks like Elsas necklace.

"Yeah, I have ice and snow powers. I showed Elsa the same thing and she started rambling." He says making it disappear.

"About what?"

"I don't know," he takes a deep breath and looks at me. "Something about, her father telling her something." He says looking confused.

My eyes almost start to get bigger. But I keep it under control. I give Jack a reassuring smile. "It's nothing Jack. She maybe did that because....she's not used to seeing someone else with powers like that." I turn to go downstairs to check on Elsa.

"Wait what about the dad thing?" He yells out to me. I face him before going down the stairs. "He was a, diplomat. Our dad knew a lot of people with extraordinary traits."

Jack still looks lost, but I leave it at that. Elsa wants to be treated normal and not like we usually are. So, that was the best I could do.

Elsa is in our room, hugging her knees on her bed. I shut the door and sit next to her. "You okay?"

"Dad would've told me." She says not looking at me. "Right? H-h-he wouldn't have kept it a secret if he did." Elsa starts to tear up. Her voice even went up an octave.

I reach for her. "Of course he would have.."

She jerks away. "Don't. Don't touch me..I can't control it right now."

"You're doing it right now Elsa."

"No I'm not!! You don't understand Anna! You never have!" She yells getting off the bed. Elsa runs out of the room, almost in tears.

I sigh and stand up. Elsa knows that if only she told me, that I would understand better.

*Elsas POV*

I push open the door and run down the hall, tears streaming down my face. Even though I have no idea where I'm going.

Some how, I end up in an empty room. There's a bunch of boxes and equipment, but other than that it's empty. I run into a corner, sit on the ground, and hug my knees. Crying.

Anna doesn't understand. She thinks she does. Or will if I tell her more. She will never get it, no matter what I tell her.

Dad would've known about someone being like me. He should have. I mean,there's no way that Jack could have lived for as long as he has and not have one slip up. Well, maybe it wasn't as bad as mine.

If dad knew, he would've told me. He would've brought Jack to me so that we could help each other control our powers.

"All those years..I thought I was alone..." I whisper in between tears. This is scaring me so much. What if dad saw Jack making that snowflake one day? And made my necklace from that?

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