Chapter 9

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*Anna's POV*

I wake up the next morning, happy and feeling refreshed. Of course my hair is a mess a usual, but I don't care today.

Nothing could diminish my mood after my day with Kristoff yesterday. I grin and look over at Elsa. She's passed out sleeping on her stomach.

Her hair isn't as messy as mine. Which is weird because our hair does the same thing over night, it sticks up everywhere until we brush it.

Though her hair still looks okay. That's so weird.

I get out of bed and get ready for my afternoon with Kristoff. Today is going to be just me and him doing random activities.

Of course he'll have to work every now and then. But when he doesn't, we're going to get to know each other more. It's going to be a great day.

I leave the changing room to start braiding my hair. Elsa is still fast asleep.

Why is she sleeping in so late? This is not like her at all. Hopefully she'll wake up soon or else she's going to miss breakfast.

I finish up my braid, and leave the room to eat with Kristoff and the others for breakfast.

*Jacks POV*

"Jack, pay attention! You were just about to put your fork in your cup." Hiccup says.

I rub my eyes. "Oh right. Sorry." I mumble putting the fork on the plate. Turns out Elsa and I were out a lot later than we thought we would be.

Right now, I'm utterly exhausted. This is what happens when I stay up late. The only reason I was able to get rid of that nightmare horse was because I had just gotten done with my night shift. Making sure that we stayed on the right course.

On my way back to my room. I heard small cries of pain in Elsas room. At first I didn't think it was anything serious until I saw the black horse above her head.

I used my ice magic to blast it away and destroy the thing. Then my next problem was trying to get Elsa to wake up.

I tried shaking her and everything else. Then I thought, what if kissing her works?

So...I did. Though, Elsa can't ever know that. She'll be furious if she ever found out that I kissed her while she was asleep. Sure I had good intentions, in trying to wake her up of course. But there's just no way to be sure.

Besides, it's not like I'll be able to make it work with Elsa. No matter the feelings I have for her. The moment she turns 22, we will have already gone our separate ways.

I just know that it's going to kill me having to leave her. She's....she's everything that I've wanted.

I get out my journal that I keep in the inside of my jacket, and start writing the first words that come to my mind.

Hold my breath as you're moving in,
Taste you're lips and feel you're skin,

When the time comes, baby don't run, just kiss me slowly

Where did that come from? Is it from my want for a...a....a actual..kiss?

"Hey Jack. Watcha writing?" Anna asks. I quickly close the journal and put it back.

"It's nothing Anna." I look over her shoulder. "Where's your sister?"

"Still sleeping." She rolls her eyes as she sits down with her own plate. "Though I have no idea why. She never sleeps in late. She's always up before I am and telling me that we're late for something."

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