Chapter 3

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*Jacks POV*

We take the fastest route to the docks. All of us keep our horses at a modest trot. It's basically a dirt road on top of a wide hill, in a fully green landscape. There are some large stones here and there. But the horses basically take care of it themselves in avoiding the stones.

It's kind of foggy on the ground, because of the rain last night. Although it is sunny outside, barley any clouds. If it weren't for the fog it'd actually be pretty today.

"I've never actually been to Corona. How about you Hiccup?" Kristoff asks him when we have travelled for a while.

Hiccup shakes his head. "Never. But I know the way. It may be an island, but it's not too hard to find."

Suddenly there's a crash and it sounds as though horses are freaking out. All of us share a confused look. "You guys wanna check it out?" I ask them. They nod their heads.

I kick Baby Tooths side to make her go just a bit faster. The guys do the same. Soon two girls come into view. One with red hair in two braids, wearing a green and black dress. And the other, looks to have platinum blonde hair, and is in a dark blue dress with a coat. Odd for the summer weather.

The red head girl has stopped yelling when we got closer. My whole world seems to stop when I see the platinum blonde better. She is beautiful. So very beautiful, there are almost no words to describe her. I get off my horse to study her face better.

Her hair is falling out, she's got some dirt on her face, maybe a bruise, but she is still so beautiful. Everything about her seems familiar, like there's some strange connection between us.
I take in a sharp breath.

Can it be?

"....won't we Jack?"

"I'm sorry what?" I ask blinking a couple times facing Hiccup. I had completely spaced about thinking about this girl. "We'll help these two nice young women with their horses and two other men?" He repeats in a questioning tone.

I nod my head. "Y-yeah." I clear my throat. "Just uhh,"- I cough- "Take us to 'em."

The gorgeous blonde raises an eyebrow confused. But she turns and walks down the hill. The carriage is turned over, with both left side wheels completely broken off.

There are also two horses straining to get free. "Kristoff, Hiccup, you guys see what's wrong with our two unconscious men. I'll try and get these horses free."

They both nod and go to them. I quickly go over to the scared horses. They both look too frightened for me to try and free them now, so I try calming them down.

I grab the reigns of one and pull on it to keep it to stop jumping, I start petting its head. "Shhh, it's okay. It's okay."

It finally stops breathing heavy and looks calm again. The other horse has stopped pulling but it still looks scared. I soothe the horse by talking in a low tone while petting it as well.

"Wow, you're really good with animals."

I look to see that it's the same blonde. She's standing nearby with one hand on the carriage, at a safe distance away. I give her a half grin. "Yeah. I guess I am. What's their names?"

"The one on the left is Holly, and the one you're with right now is Olaf."

My half smile gets a little bigger. "That's a nice name. What's yours?" I ask turning back. She crosses her arms. "Why should I tell you? I don't even know who you are."

I laugh dropping my head. "My apologies. I'm Jack Frost, from Burgess."

She blinks surprised. "D-did you just say B-Burgess?"

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