Chapter 7

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~Hey guys!! I am SO SO SO SORRY for not updating for so long. Last week I had church camp and had 0 access to my phone. So I was not able to update. Please forgive me. Okay, back to the story~

*Jacks POV*

Elsa and I spend the next few days, getting to know each other. Spending as much free time as we can, laughing and playing.

I show her a bunch of different things that I can do with my powers.

Each day that Elsa and I are together, I feel as if I need to be with her. Not just sometimes, all the time. She is just amazing. Crazy talented artist, funny, smart, quick witted, compassionate, and most of all protective of her sister.

We've talked about our pasts as well. Although, Elsa still seems closed off about some things from her past. Something she's afraid to tell me. Now we have about six days left until we reach Corona.

Tonight I feel like doing something special for Elsa. Kristoff, Hiccup and I are on the bridge, looking at the map on the table. "Okay, we left about seven days ago, which means we should dock in six days and nine hours." Hiccup says tracing our route.

Kristoff and I nod. "Isn't that Denmark?" Kristoff asks pointing at the map. I nod my head. "Yeah it is. Why?" I ask.

"I was thinking that we could stop by and visit the kingdom for a while. We're already ahead of schedule, plus it'll be good to be back on land for a while." He says.

I shrug my shoulders. "Sounds good to me. What do you think Hiccup?"

Hiccup scratches his chin. "I guess so. Stoik isn't that used to boat travel that much anyway."

I clap my hands once. "Okay then. It's settled. We dock for Denmark in a few hours."

"I'll set the course."

"I'll adjust the sails."

"I'll tell the others." I say after Kristoff. We all nod and go off to do our thing. I head down the stairs to below deck.

Elsa and Anna's room is the closest, so I stop by their room first. Right before I knock on the door, it sounds like someone is singing.

"Let it go! Let it go. Can't hold it back anymore. I'm in love, I'm in love, I won't tell-"

She stops suddenly. "Who's there?"

Crap she must of heard me somehow. I knock softly on the door. "May I come in?" I ask pushing the door open. Elsa sighs turning back to the mirror.

"Of course. What do you need Jack?" She asks me brushing her hair. Elsa starts to braid in a style I haven't seen before. I shake my head and blink, composing myself.

"I came to inform you that, in just a few hours, we will be docking in Denmark."

Elsa stops braiding for a moment. "Isn't that where Queen Ariel and King Eric rule?"

"Yes I believe so. Why?"

Elsa goes back to braiding. "No reason. Just curious." Elsa finishes and stands up. She looks...different, in a good way. I don't know how to describe it. It's a green dress, with a black collar and sleeves. There's also some detail on the dress with some darker green, a tiny amount of purple, and gold trim on the top. (Elsas coronation dress, minus the cape)

"Wow Elsa. You look nice. Although, can I say one thing."

She looks confused so I continue. "I think a light blue, would compliment your, skin, eyes, and hair beautifully."

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