Chapter 11

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*Elsas POV*

I can not believe what happened before my eyes. A nightmare almost attacked Anna. She was saved thank goodness.


Jack flew.

He was actually in the air. Propelled by his own will. He even threw up Kristoff and then caught him!

I almost can't believe it. But it did happen. I'm not dreaming. And just to be sure I've checked about three times now.

Finally, I make the decision to go and see Jack. To let him explain how he could fly in the air.

Taking each step slow, I go up the stairs. He more than likely, knowing him, went to bridge. To separate himself from me.

I knock on the door then open it. Jack is hunched over on a chair, his hands covering his face. He stands to see who came through the door. His eyes almost pop out of his head when he sees that it's me.

"Elsa.." he breathes out. He sounds as though he can't believe that I actually came looking for him. "W-wh-what are you doing here?"

I make my way around to him. "I came here to find you."

We both sit down across from each other. Jack doesn't look away from me. "But why? I thought you'd never want to see me again."

He sees my face and continues. "I know that look you gave me earlier. never looked so, scared? Couldn't believe it? Never wanting anything to do with me again."

"Jack. I was just..surprised. You never told me you could that."

Jack almost smiles. "Yeah. Didn't really think that you would believe me."

I try and keep it light by smiling as well. "You never know...So, how is it possible? The, flying."

He runs his hand through his hair. "Well, it's kind of hard to explain. Not to mention a really, really, long story."

I move my chair, placing it right next to Jack. He almost looks surprised. "I got time."

"Okay. I hope you're comfortable. Because this is gonna be a while."

He starts from basically the beginning. His village was attacked when he was just a little boy. The same thing he told me almost two weeks ago. But what he says next is something he didn't mention.

"I discovered my powers, of being able to control ice when I was seventeen. That was also the year I found out I could fly. We were training, and I tried to avoid getting hit by jumping in the air. Instead of going up a couple feet, it was more like a couple stories."

He lightly chuckles. "Kristoff, Hiccup, and Flynn all saw me. Including my trainers. Couldn't exactly keep it a secret from them."

I smile picturing the scene. "They told me that they wouldn't tell anybody. So it's just something that I can make myself do only in emergencies. I don't even know how I'm able to fly, I just can."

I smile at him. "I'm happy you told me."

"Same here. N-not that you told me that you could fly. B-but-" I laugh as he sighs running his hand through his hair. "I'm rambling. You know what I mean don't you?"

"Of course I know what you mean."

We just look at each other for a while. My heart races the entire time, thinking that he's going to do something.

Suddenly there's a loud wave crashing onto the boat, rocking it. It moves me to where I fall right into Jack. We stand when the boat has settled again.

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