Chapter 15

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*Jacks POV*

I watch Elsa as she is helped into her carriage. She looks so poised and elegant. My heart is struck with a sense of longing to be with her.

It's hard watching her leave, not knowing if I'll ever see her again. The carriage driver whips the horse, and he leaves with the only woman I will ever love.

A hand is placed on my shoulder. "Don't worry. There is a light at the end of the tunnel." Hiccup says.

"Which is?" I don't bother looking back at him. "You're sole mate. Remember we're here to find her with the help of the princess."

I nod my head. "Right. Let's get this over-"

"Wait. I propose we do something else first." Kristoff says stopping us. I look at him confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Guys, we've been stuck on that boat for over twelve days. I think that maybe we should all do something together. Before seeing the princess."

"Okay fine." I cross my arms. "What do you have in mind Kristoff?"

He grins. "Follow me. Come on."


"I'm sorry but no. I didn't want to have to fight on this trip. That's already happened once."

Kristoff has taken us to a free for all fighting ring. Basically anyone can jump in and the another guy. The only rule is no weapons and either one can give up at any time.

I just think that it's just a waste of time. But Elsa, she would say this is completely barbaric.


"Well we need a way to have a little bit of fun. Come on Jack, Hiccup."

I sigh giving in. "Okay fine." I take off my jacket and shirt, leaving myself bare chested. "Hold these please."

Kristoff holds my things as I jump into the ring. Another guy comes in as well. He's a ginger, with side burns and is pretty well built. He almost towers me.

I don't show it on my face. He won't have the satisfaction of seeing me nervous about fighting him. "Get him Fletchesm." (The stabbington brother)

He nods his head go who I assume is his brother. The one fighting me throws a punch that I see coming a mile away. I easily dodge it by sliding under his arm and stand behind him.

He looks flustered and tries hitting me again. I easily just a step back. Again and again he tries the same tactic. And each time I easily dodge him.

Once he stumbles forward, I finally decide to take a small offensive move and stick my foot out to trip him.

The large ginger falls face first right into the mud. The people around us laugh, I even smirk a little. He growls angrily getting up, he charges towards me. For a moment I loose my balance, he takes me by my hair and throws me to the ground.

My face contorts in anger as I stand. A large part of me just wants to use my powers, but I can't do that in front of all these people. So instead, I get up on a wooden post and hop to each one.

He gets dizzy in no time, I take my opportunity and jump in the air, then hit him right in the face. He stumbles and I hit him again in the stomach hard enough to where he has to hold himself.

The ginger falls against the rope, leaning on it for support. I must have hit him harder than I thought because he ends up leaving the ring. The crowd cheers for me, I ignore it and get out the ring.

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