Familiar Faces

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“Rachel we’re on in 10 minutes.” The stage manager harshly says towards her.

Rachel finishes her last minute make up and stares into the mirror and says to herself, “You are a strong woman and you are a star always have and always will be. Kurt is going to bring a mystery person and you have to make them proud. Go out there and entertain the world.” she jumps off her stool and walks to the direction of the stage when she hears a familiar laugh that belongs to none other than her best friend Spencer. She quickly walks towards her and pulls her away from the guy she was surely chatting up and ignored the annoyed look that was now plastered on her pale face.

“Rach that wasn’t nice, I’m lonely and I need a boyfriend, I mean you have this Finn guy but-“Rachel suddenly felt like she couldn’t breathe. She interrupted Spencer.

“OH MY GOD SPENCER! HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT?” Rachel said at the verge of tears.

“I’m Sorry Rachel I know that was a sensitive spot. I shouldn’t have said that.” Spencer spoke in a soft, gentle voice.

“You bet you did.” Rachel walked off but soon got stoped by a screaming sound. She turned around and saw two familiar faces that she hadn’t seen since high school. She had to look twice and blink a few times but the scene before her eyes wasn’t changing. It was indeed her high school bestie Santana Lopez and Rachel's other friend Noah Puckerman. People called him Puck, but Rachel always felt like Noah Suited him better. He was given a name, he might as well use it, right?

“Hey my hot Jewish Princess!” Noah yelled.

She couldn’t help but run, ignoring all the stares from strangers.She then jumped onto him and hugged him tight. Noah and Rachel had their ups and downs but they love each other in a sibling kind of way, at the start he used to teased her, but towards the end of high school they developed a relationship where he would do anything to protect her.

They soon heard a fake cough which was of course was made by Santana, another one of her best friends in high school. She was a cheerleader but she was different from everybody else. She would stop in the middle of the hallway and ask if Rachel was ok when she got one of many freezing slushies thrown her way. Santana and Kurt were always there for her and she knew that she could trust them.

“Hey Santana.” Rachel hugs her and asks them both why they are here, and why they are backstage. Santana replies:

“Well we wanted to say good luck and tell you that we are having some friends over for some drinks tonight after the show, what do you say you want to come?”

“You know what, why not. I don’t have a show tomorrow night so I can have a couple of drinks and I desperately need a night out.” Rachel answers and says her goodbye as it is time for the show to begin. She walks on stage when the mean stage manager taps her on the shoulder telling her to go. She takes a deep breath and starts singing her heart out, pouring her heart and soul into the music as she had always done.

(With Kurt and Finn)

Finn’s Pov

I’m sitting here in a Broadway theatre, the one I ran passed and I’m sitting next to a very excited Kurt. The lights go down and I know that means the show is about to begin and I have to admit that I’m pretty excited too. I hear the audience start to clap and I’m really confused, I mean the show hasn’t even started yet and their clapping. I think these people have some loose screws in their head. Seconds after that, I hear the sound of an angel singing, it sounded very familiar and I’m trying to get a better look at the performer but due to the last minute tickets that Kurt bought, we couldn’t see anything. I look over at Kurt and I see him crying and staring at the stage. Now I was really confused. I should just sit back and relax and enjoy the show, and the heavenly voice that is radiating through the theatre. My eyes are squinting because to me, the girl on stage looks way too familiar and it’s really getting to me. I then realize that the show is over, and I’ve spent the whole show thinking about who this girl is.

Kurt and I get up from our seats and doge all the elderly woman making their way out. Kurt turns to me and says that we have to meet up with some people at the front, so we stay next to this tree that looks like it’s about to snap right on top of us. I pull out my phone and see that I had one text message from Quinn which was just telling me that she loved me and misses me. I then hear Kurt scream and run towards more familiar people but the difference was that I actually know this people, it was Santana Lopez and my former best Friend Puck.

“What the hell are you doing here man? I haven’t seen you in 2 years!” I scream but not as high as Kurt does. No-one could out-do Kurt.

“Well I live here and I’m married to this one” Puck answered as he put his arm around Santana’s waist.

“Wow, at least you didn’t marry Shrek.” Kurt snapped at me and I gave him the death stare in reply.

There was an awkward silence but then Santana finally cleared her throat and began to talk.

“Anyway were having some people over for a few drinks tonight, do you want to come guys?”

Before I could reply Kurt answers for me “Sure we’d love to go, thanks.”

And after that we all made our way to our cars and agreed to meet up shortly. Puck gave me the address and we were off.

(With Rachel)

Rachel’s POV

My hands are burning from signing my autograph over and over. I want to get out of here and go to Santana and Puck’s house. I’m wondering who else will be there, maybe some glee club members. Anyway I can’t wait, I decide to decline further requests for autographs and stand up to go to my dressing room, ignoring Spencer’s demand to stop and talk to her. I grab my bag and make my way to my car. I pull out my phone to see that I have a text message from Santana stating the address and what time to come over. I then realize I’m about an hour and a half late and Santana’s probably going to kill me, so I get out of the car park and make my way to Puck and Santana’s house. As I’m driving I can’t help but get really excited. What if all the Glee Club members are going to be there, well all accept Finn. He’s probably a famous footballer and is too busy to catch up with his high school friends. I finally get to their house and I have to say that they did pretty well with their relationship. No one would ever had thought that they would end up together.

I make my way to the door steps and wait a couple of seconds. As the door opens, I see Santana’s bright and happy face and I’m quite surprised as I had thought she was going to kill me. I guess she has changed after all of this time.

She leads me inside and I look around. I see Kurt and I run into his arms. He offers me a drink and I gladly accept and take it from him. Santana then leads me to the kitchen and I see Noah talking to some tall guy, and judging by the back of him he was kind of cute and his butt, well let’s just say that it look like it was baked to perfection. Before I knew it, the mysterious handsome guy turns around and I’m still staring at his butt, but when he turns around I ended up staring at his manhood. As I move my eyes upwards, I now realise I am face to face with the man I was and still am in love with.

 I was looking in the eyes of Finn Hudson.

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