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Finn’s POV

What was she doing here? How did she know about my mum? Does Kurt know she’s here? I figured I should stop asking myself these questions because I wouldn’t know the answer too any of them unless I talked to her.

“What are you doing here Quinn?” She looked a little taken back but I didn’t really care. I had every right to know why she was there. In the corner of my eye I see Kurt enter the room only to turn back around to make a sharp exit.

“My mum was visiting a friend and she saw your mum here so I figured I would come and see if she was ok.” I see her start to make her way to me and I continue to stare at the freshly polished tiles of the hospital floor.

“Why?” I simply say. She places a hand on my arm and I pull away as soon as I feel the contact.

“Come on Finn, we’re still married whether you like it or not!” She says a little louder than she intended.

“Yes, and Rachel’s my girlfriend now whether you like it or not” And with that I walked over to one of many chairs.

“Wow, the home wrecker didn’t waste any time, did she?” She says shaking her head.

“Just admit it Quinn, you never loved me, you just wanted my money and you wanted to make Sam jealous. And to tell you the truth my heart always belonged to Rachel.”

“You slept with her didn’t you?” She sits in the seat next to me and places her hand on my thigh. When I didn’t reply, that was all it took to give her the answer. She brought her hand up only to run it through my hair.

“Poor baby, she’s got you by the balls, hasn’t she?” I pull her hand away from my hair and place it back on her knee.

“No she doesn’t, but you did!” I yell, her eyes widen at my sudden confidence. Whenever I was with Quinn, I would be scared to say things to her but now being with Rachel has made me stronger and taught me that I shouldn’t let Quinn get to me.

“Look Quinn, it’s been a very long day and I just want to go to sleep, and I’m not trying to be rude but you’re not needed here, so you can go.”

I hear her gasp loudly placing a hand on her chest “But it’s still early.”

“Not for me, you know I like my sleep.” I shift around in the seat trying to make myself comfortable. I feel the chair press against my phone and I pull it out of my pocket to see if I have any text messages. When I see that I have none, I turn it off and place it back in my pocket. I quickly look over to where Quinn was sitting and see her walking to the coffee machine.

“I’m staying until I hear something.” She puts her hands up to protect herself.

 I decided not to make a big fuss about it and just go to sleep, it was going to be a long day tomorrow and I wanted to be well rested. My mum is like my best friend well, besides Puck of course but whenever I had problems, mostly about Quinn, I would always ask mum what to do. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I lost my Best Friend.

Mums told me numerous times that she likes Rachel more than Quinn, and I don’t even have to ask why. Quinn doesn’t have the passionate, caring, loving nature that Rachel has. I wish Rachel was here with me now instead of Quinn. I just want her to hug me and tell that everything’s going to be ok. But I know she’ll be here soon and that’s enough for me.

Rachel’s POV

Ever since Finn left to go back to Lima, I couldn’t help but worry about him. Was he going to be alright on the train ride home? Is he going to see Quinn? Or worse, is he going to get back to Lima and realise how much he misses the place and never want to come back?

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