Holding onto Secrets

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i just want to say how sorry i am for not posting in a while, i've been super busy. and unfortunatly it's going to be like that for a while.

so here it is (Finally i know)


Spencer’s POV

 I get into my car to drive over to Rachel’s, I take my phone in my hands and decide to text Kurt and tell him where I was heading. Last night, once I realised Finn and Rachel went off somewhere, we started to get to know each other. I never realised how alike we were. We’re both so full of ourselves and I’m not afraid to say it. We also both agree that Finn and Rachel disappearing was a little odd. And I had no missed texts from Rachel. Normally after she had a confrontation with Finn, I would always text her advice, but I got nothing last night.

Once I arrived at Rachel’s apartment, I made my way to her door step. I knock on the door a couple of times, and no answer. I knock on the door once again and……..still nothing, so I decide to use my spare key. Once I’m in, I tip toe up to her bedroom door and stop when I hear talking.

“You remember what he did to me Kurt, I was in trouble and he just left me for that blonde bitch!”

It went silent for a little while, probably because Rachel was waiting for Kurt to reply on the phone. I was about to open the door when she spoke again.

“Of course he knew, I told him. Kurt stop trying to cover up for him, it’s not the same anymore. He hurt me and no matter how hard I try I can’t ever forget that.”

And that was when I decided it was time to walk into the intense phone convo, when I walk in I see that Rachel has tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Hey Kurt I got to go.” She hangs up the phone and looks at me with a sad smile.

“Hey.” I say in a calm voice.

“Hi, come here.” I walk up to her bed a little unsure. My confusion disappears when she launches herself at me and wraps her arms around me. I can feel her tears seep through my clothes.

“Hey what’s wrong?” I ask, pretending not to know.

“It’s happening again.” She whispers.

“It’s ok, does Finn know yet?”

“No, I couldn’t tell him, it’s not that easy Spence.”

“I know, but don’t you think he needs to know? i mean you did say to kurt that finn knew” I question.

“I don’t know how to tell him.” She looks at me with hopeful eyes.

“Look, I know it going to be hard but he deserves to know.” I rub her back in comfort.

“He’s going to hate me.” She starts to cry and I decide it’s time for some tough love.

“Look Rachel, he’s not going to hate you, and if he does he has me to answer to. It’s not your fault that you lost her.”

“The blame is all on me Spencer, not him.” she yells.

“HE LEFT YOU WHEN YOU WERE PREGNANT AND YOU NEEDED HIS HELP!” I yelled back. She looks a little taken back, so I bring her back to my embrace.

“I can’t do this.” She whispers backing up from my hug.

“Rachel……” I reach out to her.

“You need to go Spence.” She walks over to her bed and goes under her covers. I was going to argue but I decided that I was going to give her some well needed space.

I walk out of her apartment and get into my car and sit there for a while thinking of ways I could help Rachel. And then it hit me. I pull out my phone and dial the number of my lifesaver.

“Hello? Kurt Hummel speaking.” I hear him say on the other side of the phone.

“Hello Kurt, its Spencer. I need your help.” I say.

“Yes I agree. It’s time to give Rachel a makeover.” Kurt sighs.

“Kurt no it’s not a makeover, but it is about Rachel…………….she needs us.”

“Are you sure, do you see the way she dresses?” Kurt continues.

“I’ve been working on that, but look this is serious. She needs our help.” I say rapidly.

“Ok what’s up, if this is because she’s depressed, she’s not the only one. Finn is a complete mess, and he’s acting like a complete ass.” I giggle at the way Kurt said the last bit of his sentence.

“We need to make a plan don’t we?” kurt says knowingly. Is this guy my soul mate? How did he know?

“….yes. How did you know?” I ask.

“Sweetie, great minds think alike.” That is so true!

“Ok the plan, we need to get Finn and Rachel at the same place at the same time…..without them knowing of course.”

“Hmmmm.” Kurt says deep in thought.

“Exactly. That’s why I needed your help.” I explain.

“Oh honey, doesn’t everyone?” I laugh.

“I GOT IT!!” Kurt practically pierces my ear.

“This better be good Hummel.” I spit.

“Did Rachel ever tell you how she saw Finn in New York?”

“Tell me? She practically gave me an essay.” I snicker.

“Great! Then we’ll do it again!” he says excitedly.

“I don’t think you understand Kurt. When Rachel turns a situation into an essay that’s a really bad sign…………it means she’s hurt, I don’t want her to go through that again.” I say honestly.

“Spencer, do you want my help of not?”

I take in a deep breath and let it out. “Let’s do this.”

“When does Rachel have a show?” He asks.

“Tomorrow actually.” I pipe up at the thought of being up on stage again, it’s been a while.

“Perfect!” And with that he hung up.

I put my phone in my bag and grab my car keys, it was then that I hear a soft knock on the car window. I look over to my left and I see a tear stained face. It belonged to Rachel.

“What are you still doing here Spencer?” Crap. She looks angry.

“I was just leaving, I was just calling………err……..my dad.”

“Oh you mean the guy who coaches Finn?” She says as she starts to cry again. Shit!

“Ok Rach, how about you go inside and take a little nap. You have a show tomorrow, remember? You need to perform.”

“Fine, but I want you out of my driveway in 3 minutes, that shirt you’re wearing is making me feel depressed.” She walks away and I then look down at my shirt. I sigh and then realise the reason why my shirt made her sad, it’s the New York Giants jersey that my dad gave me. And there was one specific Giant on the team that was destroying my Best Friends heart. Could tomorrow come any slower? It might destroy her, but I’m willing to take the risk……

The past was the past and she needed to live in the present. And the only way she could do that was if she told Finn the truth. About everything……….

So now you know some of Rachel's secret.

Did you see it coming? What do you think is gonna happen? And did you like this Chapter?

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