Good Luck Eventually Wears Off

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Finn’s POV

I hear my name being called out and I open my eyes. I awake to see my nurse putting my breakfast on the little table next to my bed. I look around and finalize my surroundings, and I try to sit up a bit higher on my pillow, but she stops me and I understand why when I feel a sharp pain in my head. I was about to ask her what had actually happened to me, because for some stupid reason no one told me. As if she had read my mind, she answers my question.

“Hello Mr Hudson, do you know where you are? I have been told you don’t know what happened, well before you hit your head you had a little bit of anxiety, which caused you too feel faint. Also, when you hit your head you got a terrible concussion.” I sit there and try to process everything and one question comes to mind.

“How bad is my concussion?” I see her frown and I knew her answer wasn’t going to be good.

“Well Sir, it really depends on how hard you hit your head. In your case you hurt it pretty bad. Because your head hit the ground first, it caused a major injury to your head.” I don’t know what to do. I was staring into space when the nurse continued to talk.

“You will stay in here for a couple of weeks.” she pulls the lid off from my breakfast and I sit up and ignore the pain that starts flowing through my body.

“How long does this concussion last? Will I have it for a while? “I ask.

“God no, a concussion only really lasts a few weeks, at the most a month.” I sigh in relief and pick at my food. The nurse starts to leave but stops, and then says:

 “Oh, I almost forgot, there’s a very kind lady waiting for you when you’re ready to see people Mr Hudson.”

I think about it, and it’s probably Quinn because she said she was going to come and see me before she goes for another one of her sightseeing sessions.

“They can come in now if they want.” I answer and start to dig in to my food, I hear a soft thank you behind the door and I think to myself that it sounds too nice to be Quinn, but I can’t quite pick the voice. I see the door open and I prepare myself for the constant nagging from Quinn about how I’m in a hospital room when I’m meant to be celebrating our 2 year wedding anniversary, but to be honest I didn’t have the energy.

I was in pure shock when I didn’t see Quinn’ face, but I saw Rachel’s. I blink a few times and when I see that she is still there I can’t help but smile. She gives me a small half smile back. She walks closer to me and I notice her hands clenching onto something. I lift my hand up to signal her to come closer, as she does I see her eyes observing the drips I have connected to my arms. Tears start to appear in her eyes and I was afraid this would happen, she was blaming herself for what happened to me.

“This isn’t your fault Rach.” I simply say.

“Don’t call me that.” she snapped and I’m a little taken back from it.

“What have you got in your hand there?” I see her eyes go wide and I she slowly unclasps her hand. I couldn’t help but gasp when I see her holding a gold star necklace, the same necklace that I gave her on Valentine’s Day before we broke up.

I remember the day just like it was yesterday.

I text Rachel to come to the auditorium because I have a surprise for her.  I wait a couple of minutes when I hear the double doors open and she appears behind them. I take her hand and lead her towards the stage and tell her to sit down on the stool I had put there earlier.

“What’s going on Finn?” she says just below a whisper as she sits down.

“I love you, and I know you’re going to become a star and I’m going to love watching it happen, every star has to have something with them that takes them back to their passion.” I see her look at me with confused eyes, so I continue.

“Whatever you do or become in the future, to me you’re always going to be that girl I meet in our first glee club rehearsal.” by this point she has tears running down her cheeks and I wipe them away with my thumb.

“Finn just tell me what’s going on, your scaring me.” with that I reach my hand in my back pocket of my jeans and pull out a box with wrapping paper with gold stars on it, and I couldn’t help but laugh at how her eyes go wide with excitement.

“In this box is something that I want you to keep with wherever you go., No matter what happens to us in the future this is going to symbolise our love for each other, It would be like your good luck charm.” Rachel’s face is as beautiful as ever, and the happiness in her face is un- missable.

Rachel rips right through the paper, not caring if she’s making a mess and opens the lid and gasps when she see what’s in it. She looks up at me and I knew in that moment that what we shared together was true love.

“Finn I love it!!!!” she jumped in my arms and kissed me with so much passion, in that moment I couldn’t be happier. She turns around and I knew that it meant for me to help her. After I helped her she hugs me tight and I feel like I never want to let her go, but sadly the school bell rings with means we have to go to class. As she pulls away from the hug, my eyes land on her neck which is now has a beautiful gold star necklace hanging from it.

“Hey Rach.” I say as she’s making her way to the double doors.


“I love you.”

“I love you too!!” she says with a wink and walks out the doors.

“Wow. I can’t believe you still have that” I say now back to reality.

“I don’t keep it on me all the time, it’s just sort of my good luck charm.” she snaps.

I smile at that comment and I grab her hands as she continues.

“But I think the good luck has run out, because I’m not having much luck right now. I mean I just started a new Broadway show and then you turn up and not only that, you’re married! TO QUINN FABRAY!!!! The girl who made my life a living hell and you knew that Finn, you knew!”

I didn’t know what to say, so I just stared at her and it seemed she had more to say, but I was surprised as to what she said next.

“I’m sorry Finn, I’m just really tired I didn’t sleep last night and I have another show tonight and I really just need to get home.” She says in a calmer voice.

“It’s ok, I’ll let you get home then.” I see her still standing there and I feel her hand move in mine and I look at my hands and I see she’s put the necklace in my hand.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“I don’t want it if it doesn’t work anymore, It’s not only not giving me luck anymore Finn, its giving me bad luck.” that hurts me the most. I was on the edge of crying, I tried so hard to fight them.

“Rach don’t.” I simply say but it was too late. She was already out the door and that’s when the tears came rolling down my cheeks.

I bring the necklace up to my lips and kiss it, the memories that this necklace had carried would never leave me, and I hoped Rachel would realise that too. I close my eyes as the smell of Rachel’s perfume flows through my nose. I just miss her so much.

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