Nothing Lasts Forever

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Finn’s POV

I wake up to the sound of a light snore. I finally open my eyes and I squint when the sunlight reflects on my eyes. I look down and I see a small figure snuggled up to mine, and that small figure was Rachel, who was very very naked. I know exactly what happened, we slept together and I felt pretty proud of it. I soon hear my phone ringing on Rachel’s bedside table. I put it on vibrate last night because it kept on interrupting Rachel and I’s…..….activities. I lean over to grab the phone, but I stopped in my tracts when I feel Rachel’s arm tighten its’ grip around my waist. The feeling of her in my arms makes my heart melt.

I decide to leave the phone once more and I shift to snuggle into her small form. I hear her make these little noises in her sleep which I just think makes her 10x more adorable than she already is.

It’s funny how life turns out, a couple of months ago I wasn’t happy with my marriage and I worked at a tire shop, don’t get me wrong I loved working at the tire shop but I had a bigger dream. And someone once told me that if you doing your best in everything you do then you’ll make your dreams true. If you believe in yourself you half way there right? And now here I am in New York, with the love of my life lying down naked next to me. I’m a lucky man that’s for sure.

“Finn are you ok?” I was too busy thinking how my life is awesome to even recognise that Rachel had woken up and staring at me, worried expression plastered across her delicate, beautiful face.

“Yeah, did I wake you up?” I place a hand on her waist as I kiss her cheek.

“No, your damn phone did.” She says shaking her head.

She hops out of the bed and I pout at the loss of warmth that her body provided. And once again my phone goes off and I swear I was one minute away from throwing this phone into the wall so it breaks into thousands of pieces. I was with Rachel and nothing’s going to come between that. I get up and walk into the bathroom I hope Rachel lets me join her. I start to undress, and that’s when I hear:

“Don’t even think about it Hudson.”

“Finn juniors lonely!” I say like a little kid.

“I don’t care.”

“Rach he’s really lonely.” talking about my manhood

“I don’t care Finn. Even if he starts singing ‘all by myself’ I still wouldn’t care.”

“Wow Rachel how did you know he was so talented?”

“Finn leave.” and I think that’s my cue to leave.

I sit on the bed and I look around Rachel’s room, every time I’ve been in here I’ve been kind of busy. On the walls there’s pictures of her in the glee club I look over to the next photo and I see that it’s with her and Kurt. They were at the football field at school, sitting on the bleachers. I sit up and walk towards the photo to get a better look and that’s when I notice what’s in the background. It’s me kissing someone. I couldn’t see who it was because Rachel covered it with a gold star sticker but I didn’t have to see the person to know who it was. It was Quinn. I feel pain in my stomach and I knew exactly what it was. It was guilt. Every time Rachel walked into school I was there with Quinn kissing her, being closer to her, right in front of Rachel’s face. I can only imagine how she felt and I feel really bad.

I couldn’t bear to look at the photo anymore so I decided to go and play angry birds on my phone. I was just about to finish a level that I have been trying to complete for a couple a weeks when I see Kurt calling me. I press the accept button and I put the phone to my ear.

“Hey Kurt.”

“Oh thank you for finally answering your phone.”

“Sorry I was busy.”

“With Rachel?”

“Yea, how do you know?”

“Finn, I’m Kurt Hummel.”

“True, anyway what’s up?”

“Look I don’t know how to tell you this but Carol’s in the hospital.”

“WHAT!!! Why didn’t you call me, my mums in hospital?”

“I tried but you were too busy with Rachel going at it like rabbits!!”

“Is she ok?”

“I don’t know, we haven’t heard anything yet, sorry”

“I’m getting on a train straight away.”

“Ok bye.”

I don’t even say goodbye to Kurt, I get dressed and use that perfume Rachel has on her bedside table. I’ll probably smell like a woman but it will have to do for now. I hear light footsteps and I turn around to see Rachel in a towel. She looks sad, and that’s when I stop. Damn it, it looks like I’m leaving her. I just had the best night of my life and now i have to just pick up and go. Nothing Lasts Forever huh?

“Rachel I’m not leaving you, I just got a call from Kurt. My Mum's in hospital.” That’s when she runs to me and runs her hand down my cheek.

“Is she ok?” She says gently. She’s completely different to Quinn.

“They haven’t heard anything, I’m going to catch the first train to Lima.”

“Yea of course.”

I give her a big bear hug. And a passionate kiss, that hopefully shows how much love I have for her.

“I’ll be in Lima soon, I just have to tell Roxy.” She says before I exit her apartment. It means so much to me that she would be there in Lima comforting me.

“Good luck with that.” I smirk at her and that was the last I saw of my love, I hop in in a cab and I give the directions to the driver.

Before I knew it I was already in Lima. I make my way to the hospital, every time I walk into hospitals I get a sick feeling in my stomach. I make my way to the receptionist and say:

“Excuse me, do you know what room I can find Carol Hummel?” I puffed out.

“Yes sir, room 531. Relation?”

“Son.” I answer and she nods and I make my way to the room. Once I reach the room I see Kurt and Burt sitting beside my mum, which then led my vision to my mother, she was just laying the lifeless, helpless. After a while a nurse soon tells that we have to go sit in the waiting room. When we enter the room and I was shocked to see who was waiting there. I never expected to see her here.

It was Quinn.

ohhh Cliffhanger!!!

Happy New Year Everybody!!!

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