Just Friends?

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Rachel’s POV

“Wait. So he found your bra on your hallway table, then thought my cousin was your boyfriend?” Spencer says humorously. I think it was the wrong choice to tell her what happened with Finn and me last night. But I had to talk to someone about it.

I shake my head at her as she continues teasing me about the fact that I was dumb enough to leave my bra on the table.

“I would have killed to be a fly on the wall at that moment.” She laughed and I decide to join her. She looks confused, so I thought I would help her out.

“Yeah, I wish you were on that wall too, so I could squish you.” I giggle and walk towards the Broadway theatre double doors.

“Jeez, Finn brought out the bitch in you…….is this because you’re tired Rach? You know too much sex isn’t good for you.” she says trying to overtake my speed walking.

“Spencer, for the third and final time Finn and I are just friends, ok? Nothing else.”

We walk into the rehearsal room and I see Roxy yelling at some of my cast mates. I roll my eyes and think that I’ve never actually seen Roxy smile or be nice to someone. I walked over to the bench to place my bag down when I feel my bag vibrate. I hear Spencer giggle and I try to ignore her. I pull out my phone and see that I have a text from Finn. I can’t help but smile when I saw that it was his name on my screen.

“Hey Rach, I finish training in half an hour. Want to catch a movie?” – Finn.

“Just friends hey?” Spencer says leaning over my shoulder.

“Yes! You and I go to the movies all the time, so what’s the difference?” I look at her straight in the face.

“The difference is that I don’t have a penis Rachel.” she yells just a bit too loud for my liking.

The room was filled with an awkward silence, but that was soon over when I heard Roxy’s heavy foot steps behind me. I close my eyes regretting what’s about to happen.

“Got a problem Berry? Anderson?” Roxy yells between Spencer and me.

“Umm no, sorry Sir.” Spencer says with a tad of sarcasm, I’m really going to punch her later on.

“Don’t test me Spencer, its Mam.” Roxy says walking back to her personal assistant who was holding out a large coffee from Starbucks for Roxy to take. I kind of felt bad for her working for someone like my boss.

“Couldn’t fool me.” Spencer whispers to some more of our cast members that were huddled around us.

“THAT’S IT!” Roxy yells and it makes me jump and I drop my phone. It slides across the floor and I honestly don’t know how. I run to go grab it before someone steps on it but I was too late, Roxy bet me to it.

I see her eyes skim the screen and I freeze when I see her smirk.

“Oh Hey Rach, want to catch a movie?” she says mimicking a cute lovey dovey voice.

She starts to text and at this point I find it ridiculous that my personal property is in her possession, and yet my body was numb with fear, restricting me from moving to get it back.

“Who is he?” she asks.

“A friend.” I simply say already knowing who she’s talking about.

“Well not anymore.” she throws my phone back at me and thankfully I didn’t drop it. I hear everyone go quiet and a distant ‘You’re done for the day, Berry.’ from the bitch, also known as my boss.

Spencer grabs my bag that I had just put down and handed it to me.

“I’ll call you, ok?” she says. I nod and look down at my phone to try and find the message she sent to Finn. I walk out of the building and that’s when I found the text.

“Just so you know, your bad in bed, and you’re as dumb as a caveman.”

I scoff at how mean Roxy could be, none of those things were true. I have to find Finn, and explain everything and hopefully he understands. When I exit the building and into the busy streets of New York, it takes about a few minutes before I’ve already bumped into someone. I look up and I’m very surprised to see a familiar face. A face that belongs to Finn.

“What are you doing here?” I asked in disbelief, why was he smiling? I just sent him a really mean text, well I didn’t but my boss did. He doesn’t know that though.

“Well I finished training early and I didn’t know if you got my text because you didn’t reply, so I decided to come to you.” He stops and I give him a smile, but he then continues.

“And then on my way here I got a text from you saying that I’m bad in bed and I’m as dumb as a cavemen.” I close my eyes and look down.

“Look Finn I-“He interrupts me.

“You didn’t write them, and I know that.” He exclaims while looking into my eyes.

“How did you know?” I question.

“Well firstly you normally sign your texts with your name and with a gold star after it.” I look back up and he’s smiling down at me, and that’s when I can’t help but smile when I realise that he remembers how I text.

“I’m glad you remember.” I say.  Without even thinking, I jump into his arms and give him a big hug.

“And plus, I know I’m not bad in bed……you seemed to enjoy it the other night.” He whispers in my ear sending chills done my spine. Why do I always get this effect from him? We’re just friends.

“And you’re not dumb either.” I say pulling away from the hug.

“Yea, I remember you saying my intelligence was adorable in High School.”

“You Mr Hudson, have a very good memory.” I playfully punch his arm.

“And you Ms Berry are a rebel, why aren’t you rehearsing?” He looks down with a confused expression.

“I got kicked out.” I hear a manly chuckle and I see that he’s laughing.

”I never thought I’d see the day when Rachel Berry got kicked out of class for being a bad girl.” I push him away when he comes to hug me because I have an angry look on my face.

“Hey don’t be pissed, it’s kind of hot.” I raise an eyebrow and walk a bit faster.

“Hey, screw the movie I need to go apartment shopping and who better to help then a friend that has lived here for 2 years. What do you say?” I realise that he’s now wearing his puppy dog face, and I how can I refuse?

“Ok.” I purely say.

He turns to walk one way but I pull him the other direction. When he looks at me I cheekily say:

“This way, it has better apartments…….. And there closer to mine.” 

please comment and vote it means a lot to me!! :)

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