Love Hurts

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Hey i am so incredibly sorry for not posting in a while but here is the new chapter i really hope you like it. 

Sorry again. <3

Kurt’s Pov

I feel my heart skip a beat as I sit in my fancy lounge chair waiting for my phone to ring. It’s been an hour since I called spencer and still nothing in reply. It all happened so fast, I came home from my shopping day and just as I closed my front door I hear a loud knock, I carefully place my bags on my kitchen bench and walk over to answer the door, wondering who it could be. It was Finn.

“YOU NEED TO CALL SPENCER RIGHT NOW” he bursts into my apartment

“Well hello to you too dear brother” I smile at him but just one look at him I could tell that this was too serious to joke about.

“Why?” I question

“Rachel’s on a date” Finn says

“Look Finn, I get it, it’s hard for you to see her with somebody else but she’ll come to her senses eventually.” To be honest I feel really bad for Finn. He can’t catch a break!

“It’s not that” I hate it when he denies things!!!

“I was walking down the street and I saw her at a café with this guy. Yes, it broke my heart, but then I looked closer at the guy and that’s when it hit me.” I scrunch my nose in confusion as he continues.

“I have no idea where this is going Finn” i fold my arms across my chest careful not to break my fabulous broach

“I went to college with this guy!!!! His name is Adam. He studied Musical Theatre. He was a theatre freak…….no offence Kurt” he looks at me with a slight smirk playing on his lips.

“I’m going to ignore that comment because I’m too intrigued with this story …….. Continue” I say

“Ok so then I called Puck and told him about it, and if I’m being totally honest with you we laughed for a little while as we shared memories of this Kid. Like when he fall over during his dance recital that our football coach made us go to.” He chuckles

“Wow Finn, you were an ass in college” I scoff in disbelief

“And we even had a nickname for him, ready…………Billy Elliot” that is when I finally see Finn wipe that frown on his face off with a smile.

“Hahaha Oh My God Finn that’s so clever…… hurry up with the story” I mock Finn by fake laughing and making him believe that his joke was actually funny.

“ok whatever, so after that fall he got teased a lot and he got really pissed so he started acting differently and he started dating all these random girls and soon after he was a real ladies man, but that only lasted a year until people started to notice something was up with him, ladies tried to avoid him and I never knew why. So while talking to Puck he suggested that I ring up Sam to do a background check on the guy.” He pauses


“So puck gave me Sam’s number because I lost in over the years. And then I couldn’t reach him. I spent like an hour trying to get a hold of him, 2 hours later finally got him but his girlfriend answered and she seems really nice, but I don’t know what Sam told her but she thinks Rachel and I are together considering she mentioned that she couldn’t wait for our wedding. But at least I know she’s supportive of us” he shrugs

“FINN HURRY UP!!!” I scream flapping my arms around everywhere.

“Ok I finally got to talk with Sam and he went onto his computer and typed Adam up and………Well he and I weren’t too pleased with what we found out.

Spencer’s POV

“Rach, you ok?” I’m just super confused. Rachel has been crying her eyes out in my bathroom for hours. I’ve tried everything to get her out of there, from telling her she didn’t need to talk to me from threatening to break all her copies of Funny Girl. There was a moment of hope when I heard her sobbing stop. I was just about to get up from my seat in the kitchen when she starts all over again. This girl can cry!

Deciding to give up waiting for her I decide to call Kurt back. Picking up my phone I dial his number and wait for him to answer.

“Hello” he sounds like he’s full of concern

“Kurt what’s wrong? Why do you sound worried did someone walk in your expensive vintage apartment with dirty shoes?”

“No, and I’m going to ignore that comment. Where’s Rachel?”  He asked

“She’s in my Bathroom crying, and I have no idea why!” I explain

“I might know the reason” I hear him say on the other line

“What?” I feel my voice start to shake as I bring myself to ask him.

“He…he touched her” What?

“……Who Adam? Kurt it was a silly date ok they were probably holding hands or something”

“No…….spencer……….He abused her. He has a history”

I don’t even have time to reply as soon as those words came out of his mouth I threw the phone on my couch and sprinted to the bathroom. I was surprised to realise the door wasn’t locked.  I push the door open and there she is in the middle of the room sitting on the floor with puffy red eyes.

“Oh Rachel” I rush to her side and pull her in a tight hug

“Owwww” she moans I looked down at her and her eyes are concentrated on her arms. I look towards her arms and instantly close my eyes as I see that they are covered in purple bruises.

In my head I start to plan all the different ways I can hurt this guy but I know that I have to hold that thought for right now  because my main focus is Rachel.

“I’m sorry Spencer” she mumbles, her voice cracking. “I should have listened to you” she pulls away from my embrace shaking her head.

“It’s ok, Rachel really” I have to hold back my own tears. I hate seeing her like this.

“No it’s not. You have no idea what happened i-“I cut her off straight away

“Yes I do. Ok Rachel and no matter what I’m here for you………I always am” I send her a smile and it surprises me when I see a smile back in reply.

“How about I make a bubble bath for you, and while you’re in the bath I’ll set up the guest bedroom up. You’re staying with me for a while; we’ll get your clothes and stuff tomorrow”

“Spencer….” She starts

“I want you to stay here so I know you’re safe” she sends me a grateful look and walks out of the bathroom so I can start to make her a bubble bath.

Once I finished filling the tub with water I called her and within seconds she walks through the doorway wrapped up in a towel.

“I’ll be just down the hall if you need me” I was starting to make my way to the guestroom when I hear a loud knock on my front door. I quickly look in the direction of the bathroom to see if the door is closed, I call out Rachel’s name to see if she’s ok. Once I hear her respond I walk up to the door and I take a deep breathe. Today has been a long day; I really don’t think it can get any worse. I open the door and I can’t help but stand there in shock.

“Hey spencer” they say

“Finn, What are you doing here?” I was wrong this day can get a lot worse.

There you go!

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