Everything Used To Be Perfect

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Hey i'm really sorry i haven't updated in awhile i've been really busy but i'm back now and i hope you enjoy :)

Sorry its Short but i'll post another one soon 

Rachel’s Pov

Today has been terrible, everything is just going so wrong. First my car broke down and I couldn’t just ring Spencer because we’re still not talking. Santana is at work and well I think Kurt’s at the hospital because apparently Finn’s lonely and Quinn is too busy shopping, Typical.

So after all that drama I decide to hail a cab, turns out the cab driver didn’t even know where he was going. What cab driver doesn’t even know his way around town? When I finally get to the theatre, I try and avoid Spencer once again but it’s no use. Somehow she beats me to my dressing room.

I close the door and take a seat as she starts to say:

“I’m so sorry for everything I ever did to make you hate me this much, I can’t live without my best friend.” I couldn’t help but smile at the comment I launch over to her and nearly knock her over. I feel her grip tighten on our hug and in that moment I realise I’ve missed her just as much as she had missed me.

“Hey now that we’re friends again, why don’t you have dinner with my family tomorrow night? My brother is back and dad got this new player, who knows he could be the guy to get you over that Finn guy.” I give her a death stare and then soon after nod.

“So I may be already pushing my boundaries but this Finn guy are you and him-“

“He’s back and he’s married to my high school enemy” I interrupted and she pulls me in for another hug.

“Oh sweetie come on, let’s get you ready for the show.” She says as she opens my makeup bag and starts to put my lipstick on. For now I just need to push my personal troubles away and do what I do best, and that is act like everything is ok and entertain the world, putting all of my emotion into my voice.

Finn’s POV

I finally get to get out of this place tomorrow. As soon as I’m out, I’m looking for Rachel. She might not be happy to see me, but I don’t care I need to see her again. When I talk to her I get butterflies and with Quinn I get a stomach ache, I mean that must mean something right?

I get pulled out of my thoughts when my phone rings. I lean over and I am reminded why I’m here, as the pain comes seeping back. Once again, I groan and answer the phone.

“Hello?” I answer.

“Hey Finny Boy! I hear you’re in hospital, you doing ok?” I can’t recognise the voice, and the voice I can’t quite recognise continues and answers the question I recently had, and he pulls the words right out of my mouth.

“It’s Brad Anderson, coach of the New York Giants.” I feel my heart stop and I fix my position on the bed.

“Hello Sir, I’m good I mean I could be better you know, being in a hospital and everything.” I stutter. Why am I nervous? I’ve wanted this since I can remember.

“No need to be nervous kiddo, look Kurt told Blaine who told me that you get out tomorrow, so how about on your way home you stop by the clucb rooms and we can discuss plays. How about it?

“Sounds good, thanks heaps.” I say before the line clicks off on both ends.

I’m really excited and I can’t help but smile to myself. All I want to do is get the hell out of this place and play with the New York Giants……….then I feel my smile fade as I remember the plans I made in high school to play with the team, and the only person that was behind me on my dream was none other than Rachel. That was back when everything was perfect. She believed in me, and everything was perfect because I had her, and she was a big part of my life. She once told me that I could make anything happen if I went for it and never gave up. I would do anything to hear her say that to me again.

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