Pink Little Hearts

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Finn’s Pov

How did this happen? How did I up like this? Here I am packing up my suitcase, but not because I’m returning back to Lima. No, it’s because Quinn is kicking me out. Frankly, I think it’s a bit unfair because I paid for this hotel room, and I think I’m the one who should stay in it. I go to my closet and I pick out my clothes, I laugh at how many clothes Quinn owns and I’m pretty sure that she had less when we first arrived. I get my shoes and I put them at the bottom of my bag. I hear footsteps and I turn around to see Quinn in the doorway. I see her smirking and I look at her and shake my head. Shouldn’t she be angry? She’s not even showing an ounce of sadness.

“What’s up with you?” I ask walking around my room to finish packing.

“Oh nothing, it’s just I met this guy at a coffee shop down the road and I’m meeting him in a few minutes. He makes me feel like I’m in high school again.” She says as she grabs a dress and shoes and then sits on the bed.

I’m surprised I’m not mad, I mean in high school I would have gone all hulk on her or the guy she enjoyed talking about. But here I am and I realize I’m packing faster than before. When I finish my packing I walk to the living room and grab my phone from the kitchen table and I was about yell out for Quinn but then I think about it a bit more an realize that if I tell her I’m leaving, it will give her too much satisfaction so I leave her a note.

Hey Quinn,

Well here we are, two year’s gone down the drain, I’m staying in New York whether you like it or not.                                                                                  

You hate that I have feelings for Rachel, but how do you think I felt when you cheated on me with Sam and Puck or that random from the coffee shop, think about that!!!

I hope everything works out with the coffee shop man, I believe the reason we didn’t work was because we never really loved each other. I’ve always loved Rachel and you’ve always loved going through different guys     

Just don’t get pregnant again and you’ll be fine. Thanks for helping me realise you weren’t the one.

Rachel’s the one for me!

Goodbye have a good life


I put the letter on the kitchen table so she could see it. Normally I would feel bad for saying those type of things but I have no regrets. I have no feelings for her what’s so ever, I don’t even know why I married her………oh wait yes I do, I did it to get over Rachel.

I walk out to the hallway and sigh, where was I meant to go? I have nowhere to stay. I can’t stay with Rachel because she wouldn’t let me, and that would be a little awkward. Who else do I know in New York? Oh, I could always ask Brad but is it too much to ask your coach if you can stay with him? My other option is to get a hotel room, but I’ll always be at training so it’s kind of a waste of money. Suddenly my phone begins to ring and I see that it’s Brad. I drop my bags to the ground and press the accept button and put the phone to my ear.

“Brad, hey.” I answer.

“Hey Buddy, just telling you that training begins tomorrow.” he says enthusiastically.

“So soon?” I ask cursing because I need to get a goodnights sleep in order for me to make a good first impression on the new team.

“Problem?” he asks in concern.

“Um no, I need to find a place to stay so I can get a goodnight sleep.” I say realizing what I said. Great, now he thinks that his new player has problems.

“You need a place to stay?” he asks with some excitement.

“Um yes, I’m leaving my wife.” I say quietly.

“Well we have a guest bedroom now that my son left for Germany, so it’s all yours if you want it.” I hear him talking to someone on the other end of the phone call and I laugh and tell him it’s all good I’ll find a place, but he interrupts mid-sentence.

“No it’s all good, it’s just Rachel’s here, she and Spencer are singing along to some musical.”

“Rachel’s there?” I ask feeling a smile appear on my lips.

“Yeah, she just arrived I think she’s sleeping over.” he explains.

“You know what Brad, I could really use that guest bedroom. I’ve had a hard day.” I say picking up my bags and walking towards the exit doors.

“Well you know where to find it, you coming now?” he asks.

“Yeah, be there soon.”

I run to the footpath and hold my hand up to catch a cab drivers attention. I wait a couple of minutes and finally a cab stops and I hop in, I give the driver Brad’s address and I sit back and relax. My mind drifts off to Rachel, in high school her pyjamas were cute little pink love hearts. Then again that was before her makeover. Now she’s dressing in all sexy kinds of things, not to mention that dress she wore at Brad’s house. Before I knew it I was already out of the cab and taking out my luggage. I see that Rachel’s car is in the driveway and I can’t help but get a little excited. I knock on the door and I sigh when I see Spencer open the door, since Rachel and I ‘fell’ on her bedroom floor it’s been awkward between us.

“Well, well, well if it isn’t the guy that nearly shagged my Best Friend on my bedroom floor.” she says with a smirk.

“Your father offered me your guest bedroom for me to stay in for a while, so here I am.” I say shaking my head still thinking about her previous comment

“Well whatever you do, just don’t pay attention to the people in the living room.” I know she’s talking about Rachel and I just smile as she leads me further into the house.

I couldn’t help but look when I hear her laugh and then she starts to sing. I had to be in that room or I would lose it. I feel Spencer tug on my arm but I kept on walking towards the sound of an angel, I hear Brad enter the room and I didn’t even acknowledge him, I just felt like it was only me and Rachel. Spencer is telling me not to do this because apparently I can’t control myself, and Brads wondering if I’m on something.

I finally enter the room, it seemed like it took me forever to get to her. She’s sitting on the couch bursting out laughing and I smile at how we used to do that together. I know she feels a presence behind her because she turns around with a big smile on her face but it fades when she sees me.

“Finn?” she says just below a whisper. I give her a smile in reply but then she gets up from her place on the couch and all I can say was that she certainly wasn’t wearing pink heart pyjamas. She was wearing short shorts and a pink singlet that revealed her cleavage. Now I know what Spencer was talking about when she said I couldn’t handle it. She’s hot!!!!!!

Hope you enjoyed it!!        

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