Flowers & Jelly

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Here it is.......


Spencer’s POV

“I knew me being with Quinn hurt Rachel, but I didn’t know that it would hurt her that much.” I see tears start to form in his eyes and I immediately regret not telling him sooner. Rachel would have killed me if I had, but after all he deserved to know everything, well almost everything. while I was telling finn what had happened to Rachel in the past I slowly saw his heart get torn into pieces, I was about to tell him the rest but the doctor walked into the cafeteria and ran towards us.

“Is everything ok?”  I ask him my voice unsteady

“She’s awake” Finn and I both jump up immediately and run to her room. Just as we were about to walk in her room the doctor stops us

“We have given her some medication and she’s a little confused so take it easy with her.”  I was the first to run into the room with a bright smile on my face that soon disappears when I see Rachel lying there motionless in the bed. I haven’t seen her since the doctors took her away from me.

“Hey Rach” I whisper slowly walking to her bed side. Her head slowly turns in my direction. She looks at me blankly and for a minute I was afraid that she didn’t remember me or she forgotten our friendship, but my worries faded when I saw a slight smile appear on her face. I reach over to grab her hand, tears rolling down my cheeks when her hand gradually makes contact with mine. And that is when I break down crying beside her. I’m not really one of those people who show their emotions, I’m one of those people who listen to someone’s problems and give then advice. that’s what I did for Rachel, I was there throughout everything she’s gone through, no one ever asks me how I’m doing or if I’m ok. Now you’re probably thinking what the hell am I talking about! But my point is, I’m not someone who shows their true emotions, which means I keep things to myself. But I can’t do that anymore so here I am releasing all my feelings on Rachel’s shoulder. I was hysterically crying before I feel a hand run through my hair and suddenly I hear a soft groggy voice

“God Spencer grow some balls” I look up at her smiling brightly, that’s what I have been waiting to see for days. I start to laugh at her comment because in the past when Rachel has come to me crying I would always tell her to grow some balls, and stop being such a cry baby. See no emotion! I wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly.

“Hey you!” I tap her nose with my pointer finger

“So what have I missed on pretty little liars?” the doctors said she would be a little confused, but I seem to think she’s just fine. I have my Rachel back!

“Well last episode Mona Died!” I know that she wouldn’t really care but hey, she asked

“No way!” she gasps as she plays along.

All of a sudden we just break into laughter! We get interrupted by the nurse bringing in food. It was the nurse we had last time we were here, Rach and I like her because she always brings us extra jelly. I tell Rachel to scoot over in her bed so I could lay next to her so we could eat our dessert together but it was then that I remember Finn was with me. I look around the room and I can’t find him anywhere. Maybe he’s outside

“Rach I’ll be right back, I just need the little girls room, start eating your jelly” after all she needs to eat

Walking out of the room I look over at the waiting room and Finn is nowhere to be seen. My heart starts to beat faster. I pull out Rachel’s phone out of my pocket and call his number and wait for him to answer. Nothing!

I look in the window of Rachel’s room and see that she is happily eating her jelly and taking a little bit of mine. Normally I would make her spit mine out but I’m glad she’s finally eating something. She has no idea what’s happing outside of that room and I would like to keep it that way. I see Rachel’s doctor walking down the hall and I run up to him.

“Have you seen Finn? You know the really tall guy that I was with before?” he just looks at me vacantly and walks away.

“You could have just said no!” I yell right back at him

“Spencer are you ok?” I turn around to see Kurt standing there stylish as ever with concern plastered on his face.

“No for your information I am not ok. Finn, your brother has disappeared. Trust him to run away when he finds out Rachel’s awake” I shake my head in disbelief

“Rachel’s awake?” his excitement rises

“Yes, but right now that’s beside the point. Just go find your brother” I start to make my way towards Rachel’s room again when Kurt stops me

“Actually I haven’t seen Rachel in a while and I was kind of hoping I can see her now. Maybe you can go find Finn” I scoff, how selfish!

“Lady Face I have jelly waiting for me in there, plus he’s your brother.” I run after Kurt who is already walking to Rachel’s room

“Kurt!” he continues walking ignoring his name being yelled out.

I see a nurse looking at me with a weird look and I say “trust me if you knew him you would just want to strangle him with one of his stylish scarfs.

I pace around the hallways of the hospital trying to get in contact with Finn and I still got nothing. When I see him again he better not use the ‘my phone died’ excuse, if he does I swear I will kick him in his crown of jewels.

All this anger is building up inside of me and it isn’t good for my health, it will give me wrinkles (Kurt told me that) so I decide to go outside for a few minutes to get some air. Waiting in the elevator I needed to take a few deep breathes. I need to calm down. If Finn were to run off again I don’t think Rachel can handle it again. Yes, she doesn’t know that Finn was here today but I know deep down that she was hoping he was.

When I reach the ground floor I walked out the front entrance doors and when the fresh breeze hit me it was like a sense of relief. I have been stuck in this hospital for so long and it feels like I haven’t been outside to the real world for so long.

Suddenly I can smell fresh coffee and I run to the little café on the corner. Quickly ordering a latte and walking out of the café I see a tall figure that I know all too well. I was going to run up to him but it looked like he was going somewhere, so I decided to follow him. He walks towards a florist and starts looking at flowers and smelling them. He finally picks a bunch of pink frangipanis. As the florist grabs the flowers I see Finn point to the pink wrapping paper with the gold stars on it and when I see the florist using the gold star wrapping I came to the realization that Finn wasn’t running away, he was just buying flowers for Rachel.

There it is! i hope you liked it! tell me what you think :)

I realize that some people are a little confused about the whole baby situation but the upcoming chapters will hopefully explain everything!

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