Taking It Slow

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Finn’s Pov

Who knew apartment shopping could be so stressful. We’ve been through six apartments so far and Rachel’s saying that there’s still more. I thought the third one was nice. Heck, I thought every one of them was nice but Rachel wouldn’t leave the apartment until she found something that was wrong with it. She would say either ‘The kitchen doesn’t have five star rated appliances.’ or “there’s not enough closet space.’ and this one just made me truly confused, ‘it doesn’t have a guest bedroom’.

“Why does it need to have a guest bedroom? It’s just me living here.” I argue.

“Because we’re friends.” She walks off hopefully giving me the idea that she doesn’t want to explain, but I want to find out what’s going on in her head.

“Yeah and?” I shrug my shoulders.

“And when we have sleepovers, I can sleep in there.” I shake my head.

“Rachel, stop ignoring the real reason.” I say walking towards her. She sits down on the couch in the living room.

“This couch is comfy.” She says in an adorable tone that my makes my heart beat faster.

“Even though I have waited all day for you to say something positive about one of these apartments, just hurry up and tell me.” Did that come out a little too bitter?

“Fine, you need a guest bedroom for when Quinn comes back to New York to sign the papers, I don’t want her having to share a bed with you.” She tries to avoid eye contact, but she knows it’s impossible when I lean down eye level with her.

“…….And when I’m lonely I could come crash here with you.” And that’s when she looks up at me. Her dark brown chocolate eyes connecting with mine. She was dead serious.

“What makes you think that I’ll let you crash here?” I exclaim earning a smirk from her.

“Oh please, you would love that. You finally get to paint your nails and put make up on Finnessa!!” Her voice sounds like a little kid and I can’t help but laugh. No one’s ever called me that name besides Puck, but I have to admit it sound kind of hot Hearing it come out of Rachel’s mouth.

“I was joking Finn.” She mutters quickly with a worried tone and I now realise that it’s because I’ve been staring at her and smiling.

“Oh, yes I know. Ok, so no to this apartment?” I state, now I was trying to change the subject.

“No, but I know one and it has a guest bedroom and it has a really nice view.” She pulls my arm and directs me out of the front door. As we made our way to our destination I realise that we were walking towards a familiar building, a building that was Rachel’s apartment Building.

“Rachel are we going to your apartment to sleep because I’m really tired.” She shakes her head and grabs my hand and we walk in. We climb up what feels like the stairs of hell but when we reach her floor, only it was floor number 5, Rachel’s floor.

“This is the apartment I was telling you about.” She opens the door and we walk in and I have to say she was right. It had a breath taking view, and it had the guest bedroom that she had wanted.

“I like it, but it’s like right next door to you. I may as well live with you!” I express using my hand to gesture the room in next door.

 I walk around the place and I really think that I could live here. It really screams me. There’s a lot of space and it even has a mini bar. I walk up to the kitchen and I see that Rachel is checking how much the appliances are rated. I then walk to the kitchen bench and see a pamphlet for the apartment. I smile as I see the slogan.

“Live Like The King!!!”

I look through the booklet and when I get to the final page, I see how much its worth. I scoff which causes Rachel to look at me. I look up at her while I’m shaking my head. She walks towards me and I hand her the pamphlet. She shrugs her shoulders not seeing the problem. I flip the page and I see her eyes scan the contents. Moments after, I hear her scoff louder than I did. I see her toss the booklet across the table and grab her bag off the kitchen stool. She grabs my hand and leads me towards the front door. She opens up her apartment and leads me into her home. Looking around, it looked like Rachel got the best one. It had everything Rachel questioned about the other apartments we had looked at.

“I need some coffee.” I hear Rachel yell. I walk in the kitchen and see her frantically pressing buttons on the coffee machine.

“Yeah, me too.” I sit down on a stool and put my head in my hands.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Rachel asks sitting next to me.

“I have no place to stay.” I sigh and she puts her hand on top of mine.

”Yes Finn, you do.” she simply says.

I look up at her and she smiles. “When your friend is homeless, what do you do Finn?” she asks me.

“Give them money.” I answer a little worried that my response was wrong.

“No. You let them live with you.” I look up at her and I stand.

“Are you serious?” I throw my arms around her and squeeze her tight.

“Yeah I mean, we’re friends right?” She says a little on the sad side.

“Yeah. Friends.” I mumble into her hair.

Hey i'm really sorry it's short but there is going to be some drama coming up so stay tuned to find out what happens to Finchel!!

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