If We Wake At All

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I was drunk. And that's putting it mildly. I was drinking by myself at the bar, slurring all words past comprehension. But inside, I felt like fucking Superman.

I probably looked like a drunken idiot, but I had lost my ability to care, along with my ability to walk like a fucking normal person. Which is fine, because I didn't plan on moving from that barstool. I wanted to sit there and drink all night long, and never wake up again.

"Another! Another!" I called to the bartender. She raised an eyebrow at me and shook her head.

"No, I think you've had enough for tonight." She said to me, handing a mug of beer to someone else. I pouted like a child.

"Okay. Um, thank you." I said to her softly. She leaned against the counter and looked right at me, making me a bit uncomfortable.

"What're ya runnin' from?" She asked me. I wasn't running.

"I'm not running." I told her firmly. She shook her head.

"I didnt mean literally. I meant metaphorically.  Something is wrong, and instead of dealing with it, you're drinking it away. Am I right?"

"Kind of. But I can't drink it away. I don't want to talk about it or acknowledge it's existence." I mumbled. She nodded slowly, in understanding.

"I won't ask what it is, but I need to make sure you get home okay. Where do you live, I'll call a cab."

"No need for a cab, I live on a tour bus a street away from here."

"Tour bus? You're in a band?" She asked me. I nodded my head, not volunteering to go one about it. "Lenny! I'll be right back, I'm taking this guy back home!" The bartender called to another guy behind the counter. She came around the counter and over to me. "C'mon, let's get you home." She helped me to my feet and out the bar's doors and into the night. There was no traffic or a lot of people outside. Time had passed so quickly as I had drunk away my guilt.

"Right over there, the red one." I spoke quietly to her as she helped me walk over to the bus. The world started to spin suddenly. I started to laugh as I swayed. She gave me a weird look as the word clouded over.

A/N I know, short chapter, but I needed to switch to Jaime' s POV and don't want to switch in a chapter. Weird, I know. Hope you're enjoying the story!

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