chapter 4

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Aden in the picture (Maddisons best friend)

Today was my best friends 19th birthday and he was having a huge house party so I was getting ready.

"What are you doing?" Michael asked. "Um getting ready for adens house party" "Um and what about alexander?" "He's staying with my mom tonight" "No he's not. He's our son we need to take care of him." "You always go out while I'm here taking care of him so if you don't want him over at my mom's then you take care of him" "Fine, I will." "Okay, I don't know why your so upset about me going out." "Because I know theirs going to be a lot of guys at that party and your an attractive girl so you are probably gonna get hit on alot tonight & I don't like that your so close to this Aden guy" "He's my best friend calm down, and if you don't want guys hitting on me then go to the party with me" "Okay I will, I'll drop off Alexander right now" "Okay you go do that"

I continued to do my hair and make up. After I finished I finally got dressed. Now I just had to wait for Michael. I ironed his clothes and when he got home he just got dressed and we left.

When we arrived their was already a lot of people. So I went to go look for Aden when I finally found him I hugged him. "Happy birthday best friend" "Thank you, you look amazing Maddison" "Thank you , you look very handsome" "Well thank you, hey let's take a picture" "Okay sure, Michael can you take our picture" "I guess."

We took quiet a lot. He was a freshman in college. He graduated last year.

Half way through the party some random guy touched my butt and I obviously told michael. And that didn't not end well. He walked up to the guy "Wtf why'd you touch my girls ass." "Cause it's nice & she's hot" "I know it's nice and she's my girlfriend so fucking back off" "I'll back off if and when I want okay" Michael is known to have a bad temper especially when it comes to some pervert guy touching or talking to me. They ended up fighting, they both got really hurt. We went up to Aden's room and I cleaned Michael up, luckily Aden got in between them and stopped the fight.

Being a mother I can't really be up for to long because I so wake up a lot through the night, so Aden and I went up to his room and took a nap. We snuggled up together, I didn't see anything wrong with cuddling with my best friend I wasn't really in a relationship with anyone so it was okay. At least I thought it was. Michael walked into the room and started yelling at Aden and me. "Wtf are you two doing" "Where sleeping" "That's just so fucking disrespectful, I came here with you Maddison. And now your over here in this guy's bed" "Calm down michael" "Shut up, you are so easy you know that, dam I smashed the day we met." "Wtf is wrong with you , you can't talk to the mother of your kid like that, that's so fucking disrespectful , she's a beautiful young lady , and she doesn't deserve to be disrespected like this, she's not easy she was vulnerable when you guys had sex okay she wasn't in a good place and you knew that" "This is a conversation between me and Maddison so stay out of it" "No, wtf you can't come into my room and disrespect her like that" They argued back and fourth and then they fought. I couldn't separate them. And then I started crying, and they both stopped. Aden came over to me to hug me. And Michael just watched. "Your so disrespectful" "Can we just talk" "Nah I'm done talking to you"

I spent the weekend at his house. When I went back home , Michael was waiting for me, it was 2 in the morning on a Sunday night well early on a Monday morning.

"I'm not in the mood to argue with you Michael so please just let me go to sleep" "No we need to talk , right now" "No we'll talk when I want to okay." "NO, we are gonna talk right now" He said pulling me to sit on the couch.

"Okay say everything you want to say right now and then I'm leaving to bed" "Why the fuck would you go to a party with me and then go and sleep in some guys bed, that's so fucking disrespectful, I defended you I got into a fight for you , I'm really trying to be with you but the only thing you do is play games with me, I have feelings for you, I always have but you just play." "First of all it wasn't okay for you to fucking disrespect me like that I did nothing for you to call me those fucking names Michael ! I'm a mother I wake up like 20 times during the night , I get tired , so I took a fucking nap, oh and I didn't ands you to get into a fight for me you just did. And if you actually had feelings for me you'd tell me and you wouldn't date all those girls so your the one playing, I'm done okay" "No , just talk to me please, I was drunk when I said all those things to you, you can't go to sleep angry at me" "I can, and drunk people say what they actually mean" "I didn't mean it , come on we have to try" "No I'm done trying ! I'm not in love with you okay." "Okay.."

I turned around I couldn't let him see my tears. I quickly ran to my room and got ready for bed. Then I looked for alexander , he wasn't in his room so I ran out to the living room.

"Where's alexander?" "He's in my room" "Oh okay , he's gonna sleep with me tonight" He stayed quiet. For a couple days he didn't talk to me at all.

I finally got tired of it. "Just talk to me, I'm tired of being ignored! It's so hard to not have any friends, and then I come home and you don't even talk to me" "Well what do you want me to say, plus it's not my fault you don't have friends it's yours" "No, I got pregnant and lost all the friends that where in my grade. And all my senior friends where all their for me. And now their off at college" "I just don't want to talk to you okay get over it and leave me alone" "Well i think you'd want to hear this but I guess not" "Hear what?" "I'm moving out" "What?" "Yeah, I'm getting an apartment with Aden and where moving in together" "Um no your not, you should've talked to me about this" "I've been trying but you won't even look at me so I decided on my own" "You can't decide something this big without me" "Yes I can I'm 18 years old I can do what I want" "No you can't we have a kid together , we have to both live her in order to raise him so no you can't move out I'm sorry" "No I'm sorry, I'm moving out okay" "This is to much for alexander , you just moved in and now your moving out with some other guy , your gonna confuse Alexander" "He will not be confused okay, this is the best for you , I know basketball season is coming up and your gonna be having a lot of practices and also going to be going to the gym a lot and leaving early in the morning to practice so this will be a lot better you get your sleep and I take care of Alexander" "No he's my son I want to wake up in the middle of the night to change his diaper or feed him he's my son , I'm not gonna let you take him from me just because where upset at eachother , grow up we have a kid." He walked away but turned back. "And your not moving"

He came into my room later that night. "I'm sorry , I've been trying to get over you, you told me your not in love with me so I'm trying not to be in love with you, the only way to do that was to ignore you, but that didn't work, at all , it just showed me that I can't stay mad at you and I can't go days without talking to you" He leaned in and kissed me. And then that turned into making out and it lead to other things. Someone walked in, it was Aden. He slammed the door closed , I grabbed the sheets and wrapped them around me, I ran after him.

"Aden, Aden come back , let me just explain" "You told me you loved me" "I know , I do Aden I always have. I'm just so vulnerable right now, I didn't know what I was doing! It just happened I swear. I didn't mean to hurt you." He was standing, looking at me. "You use that same excuse whenever you get caught doing something, we get it your vulnerable. You do stupid shit and that's your excuse." "I'm sorry, I swear I just--" "No just don't okay. Your not ready to commit , you never have" "I was ready, or I thought I was but I'm not" "I love you , I really do , but I can't be around you right now , I love you too much, I'll call you when I'm ready to talk" "I love you too" & he walked out the door.

I sat on the couch. Wondering why I always go back to Michael. He walked out and threw me his shirt. "I'm stupid" "I didn't know you too.." "I'm guess I forgot to mention it" "You forgot?" "Yeah I forgot." "Or you just didn't want me to know" "No I didn't want you to know, I wasn't ready for a relationship with him, I'm sure he felt the same way" "sounded like he really was ready" "I guess" "So why did you sleep with me" "I haven't really done that in a while , and I just needed to do it, and I mean your kinda easy" "I'm not easy, and you know you want me" "Haha you wish"

~ short chapter, sorry if this story is all over the place. Hope you all liked it.

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