chapter 3

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Stephan in the picture.

I decided to check into a hotel since I was 2 hours away from home. I had a suitcase with me. And as I was checking in I bumped into a really cute guy.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry" "Oh no its all good, are you okay" "Yeah I'm fine" "Are you from around here?" "No, I just needed to get away from my room mate" "Pretty irritating roommate I'm guessing" "Yeah he's a hand full" "Oh , he?" "Yeah he's my baby's dad" "Oh you have a son" "Yeah a 4 month old" "Oh I have a 2 year old daughter, wow I didn't think such a beautiful young lady like you could be a mother" "Haha, well I am" "Let's grab something to eat" "Sure"

We headed to an ice cream place. We sat down.

"So tell me about yourself" "What do you want to know" "First off, how old are you" "I'm 18 years old" "Oh okay good" "Yeah , and if you don't mind me asking , how old are you" "I am 21."

After about 2 hours of talking I got a little bit tired. "Hey I should probably get back to my hotel room, I'm a little sleepy, I go back home on monday" "maybe we can exchange numbers" "Yeah of course" So we did.

When I got to my hotel room he called me and we talked for hours. The entire night, I kept getting calls and texts from Michael buy I couldn't take any of them and right before I was going to sleep I picked up and I'm glad I did.

"Maddison come home now , Alexander is in the hospital" "what? What happened?" "He stopped breathing , I don't know what happened I walked into his room and he looked purple so I rushed him here, they don't know what's going on just please hurry" "I'm on my way"

I drove so fast I swear I could've died, on my drive back home I called stephan.

"Hey what's up" "So I'm going to have to cancel tomorrow's breakfast" "And why's that" "My son, he's in the hospital he's no breathing" it took all my strength not to break down and cry. "Oh I'm sorry, maybe I could go down to the hospital" "Yeah maybe" "If you do need me to go down to the hospital shoot me the address okay" "Yeah okay, I'm really sorry I had to cancel" "No its fine your son comes first" "Okay well I will call you later okay" "Yeah totally I'll call you to check up on you" "Okay , goodnight" "Goodnight"

Michael called me and I answered I needed to know everything that was happening to my son.

"Hey how is he??" "They think he's going to be okat" "They think?" "Yeah right now he's having trouble breathing on his own" "Oh, it's all my fault I shouldn't have left it was stupid we aren't together anyways" "it's my fault, I shouldn't have kissed her if I told you we should work on us" this whole entire conversation just turned into an apology. "And maybe we just aren't meant for eachother"

When I finally got to the hospital Michael was standing their with some girl, they where holding hands. I'm so glad I had texted Stephan to come because I didn't think I could be alone. He was on his way just 20 mins away from the hospital and when he did show up Michael was surprised to see me with someone.

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