chapter 10

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School was out in 3 months and prom was in 1 month. Everywhere I went girls where getting asked to prom.

One day I was at my locker getting books. And I heard a baby laugh so I quickly turned around. And it was Michael he was holding Alexander. And their was two of his friends they where holding up a sign. "Maddison will you go to prom with me?" He had Alexander and he let go of him and he started walking. I freaked out.

"Omg he's walking!" "I totally did not expect him to actually walk" He walked right into my arms. I picked him up. "Baby! Your walking. You are so cute!" I said kissing him all over his face. "So what do you say?" "Yeah, I'll go with you" I said smiling.

During lunch I went over to Jeremy's place. "Hey so I heard your going to prom with Michael" "Oh yeah I was about to tell you" "Yeah sure you where" "I was babe. I really want to go. And I dont want to go alone. I have 1 month to look for a dress. And if I can't go with you I'll go with michael. We've actually been getting along. I know that's the last thing you want to hear" "Baby, no its fine. Your a senior , this is your last year of high school. I don't want you to go with him but it's your choice okay" "will you come with me to look for a dress?" "Of course babe, whenever you want"

"Ok, babe I have to go back to school now" "Okay. Well I'll see you later. If I don't then I'll call or text you. Okay?" "Okay yeah. Bye" "Bye. I love you" "I love you too"

I went back to school and went to 2 more classes.

Then I picked up alexander. I went home and cooked, I called Jeremy to come over. His kids where staying with his mom, for a couple months. They did that alot. Most of the year they where with Jeremy's mom.

We layed on my bed. Under the covers. He pulled off my shirt, I quickly covered myself. And got off the bed. "What's wrong?" "No nothing" "Then come lay down with me atleast" "I'm gonna get something" "What's wrong?" "No nothing babe" "Obviously somethings wrong" "No , nothings wrong" "Something is wrong , I can tell" I took off the sheets. A couple days ago I had gone to a tattoo parlor and got Josiah and Alexanders name. It was right under my boobs. His eyes pooped out of his head. He had never seen my breasts. So I covered myself with my arms. "Why didn't you want me to see" "I just didn't" "Babe, why don't you want to sleep with me?" "I don't want to accidentally get pregnant" "Babe! You won't" "You don't know that, and it's not like I don't want a baby from you I do, or I would in the future but right now I just can't get over what happened. I know it was months ago but it messed me up. And maybe you don't want a messed up girl like me" "Is this your way of breaking up with me" "No , no I'm not breaking up with you" I said hugging him. "Babe, I just want to be with you and feel you, you know. Sex isn't everything , I know that but" "okay, let's do it then" "What?" "Yeah. I mean I've been wanting to do it for along time but I'm scared, I'm scared to loose a baby again" "Babe. Baby, you won't I promise okay" "Okay"

It happend. I wanted to cry. Not because I didn't like it but because I was scared. I was scared that I would get pregnant and loose my baby. I was paranoid.

I sat on my bed with no clothes on my my sheets covering my body. Jeremy was in the bathroom, he came out and stared at me. "What's wrong" "Nothing baby, I'm hungry" "No I can tell when somethings wrong" "Baby nothings wrong. I'm gonna go get alexander." "You might want to get dressed first" "Oh yeah" I said pulling on some underwear and a t-shirt.

Alexander had been asleep for hours. So I woke him up to feed him. Jeremy sat at the dinning room table where I was feeding Alexander. "So I'm buying my own place" "Oh really when babe?" "Well i found a place close to here. It has 3 rooms. It's real cheap" "That's great babe. I think you need your own place" "I do, I'm tired of always sharing with my friends. Plus you'll be able to sleep over and we can do whatever we want" "Yeah that sounds great , so when are you getting it" "Well i have a meeting with the people selling it tonight" "That's great" I said walking into the bathroom. I freaked out when I saw that I had a huge hickey on my neck. "Babe!" "What's up?" "Why would you give me a fucking hickey!" "What? Oh shit, sorry" "Ugh I have to take Alexander over to Michaels house in 20 mins!" "Cover it up with some makeup" "It irritates my neck I've tried it" "What?" "Yeah, I've had a hickey before" "From who?" He said getting mad. "None of your business" "It is my business, your my girlfriend" "This was way before I met you calm down" "No, wtf tell me" "You're way to jealous" "Of course I am. Wtf look at you. I have to , your fucking beautiful. I've seen random guys hit on you" "And I dont pay any attention to them okay, I only love you. And Alexander" "You better"

I grabbed Alexander and his over night bag , because he was staying over at Michaels apartment tonight.

Jeremy stayed at my condo. He practically lived with me.

I knocked on his door. "Maddison you don't have to knock, just come in" "Okay well I'm not tryna walk in on you getting freaky with someone" "Don't worry , those days are over" "Haha sure. But anyways. His schedule changed. He takes naps every 4 hours. And give him a bottle 3 times a day. Also feed him right after school. And he should be in bed by 8. Latest is 9. Give me a call if you are having trouble with him" "Okay-- what's that on your neck" "Oh it's nothing" I said covering it with my hair. "It's a hickey. Maddison, your a mom" "I know that , calm down. I'll cover it up" "Okay. Well have a great day I'll see you at school." "Okay bye"

It was my first time not having Alexander. And Michael is getting him for 4 days.

I was wearing some spandex, and a sports bra , my hair was up in a bun. I drove home. And Jeremy had some friends over, I wasn't expecting too see his friends. I was fine with it.

"Oh hi guys" I said when I saw them sitting on my couch. They all just starred at me. They looked me up and down, Jeremy came out of my room. When he saw that his friends where starring at me , he quickly covered me. "Ya'll need to have more respect, this is my girlfriend Ya'll are starring at" "Dam sorry, it's just dam" "Put on some clothes, dam" "I can dress how ever I want. Not my fault your friends have starring problems" I said walking into my room. I did decide to put on a t-shirt because all the starring made me feel weird.

I started to clean all of Alexanders toys that where all over the floor. "So Where's your son?" One of them asked his name was myles. "He's with his dad" "ohh, so I noticed you have a tattoo, who's josiah?" "Oh, Um that's my son" "Thought your son's name was alexander" "Yeah, it is. I have 2 babies. But josiah passed away" "Oh. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked" "No its fine. Babe I'm gonna go take a nap" "Okay, I'm gonna order some pizza , what kind do you want?" "I'm not hungry" I said walking into my room and locking it.

Jeremy's pov

"I didn't mean to make her upset man" "She's not upset. She just locks herself in the room" "She seems upset, you should go talk to her" "No she's fine" "Go"

So I got up and opened the door to her room. "Babe, are you okay?" "Yeah I'm good. I just want to take a nap , cause I'm tired" "You look kinda pale" "I need a nap that's all" "Okay I love you" "I love you too" She said putting her head down on her pillow.

I walked out of the room and sat back down on the couch. "Aye you sure she's not pregnant" "Nah, she can't be" "You never know" "She's not okay" "Is that cause you haven't smashed yet" "That's none of your business" "I'm just trying to help you out" "She's not trust me."

And she wasn't.

~ ehh chapter. Let me know what you think. And comment some suggestions on what should happen. Or who you want Maddison to end up with?

Team Jeremy or Team Michael.
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