chapter 17

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Brayden in the picture

The next morning I woke up and got ready for school. I got into my car and left.

When I got to school I walked into my first class. I sat down and grabbed my notebook and took some notes. After class I sat in the cafeteria on my laptop and some guy sat down in the booth. "Can I sit?" "Yeah sure" I said "So are you new?" "No I'm in my second year. You?" "No. I didn't see you here last year?" Then my phone started ringing. "Excuse me" I said answering my phone. "Hello?" "Hey babe, Ellie won't stop crying" "have you changed her diaper?" "Yeah, I don't know what's wrong" "Give her a bottle" "I just did" "Okay maybe she just wants to be held, hold her" "Okay. When will you be home?" "In 2 hours" "okay. Bye I love you" "I love you too bye" I hung up.

"You have a kid?" "Three kids?" "Well four, but my second passed away" "Oh I'm sorry to here that" "Yeah, but I have a 2 year old and twins" "Oh wow twins?" "Yeah they are 1 month old today actually" "wow, and your still going to school?" "Yeah of course. I'm not letting being a mom stop me from having a career" "That's great, I couldn't even tell you gave birth a month ago. by the way I'm brayden" "Well thank you. And I'm Maddison"

"Oh well it's nice to meet you maddison" "It's nice to meet you too" We talked for about an hour and we walked to class together because we where majoring in the same thing, and we happened to have the same class.

Then I went home. When I got home Michael was asleep on the couch with Ellie and Kash. Alexander was laying on the other couch.

I took pictures of them and then woke Michael up. "Babe I'm home" "what?" He said opening his eyes. Then ellie woke up. So I grabbed her. "Ellie! How was daddy. Did he take good care of you?" "Babe I don't know how you do it, I'm exausted" "Yeah it's pretty hard , especially with two babies. Well you're gonna have to watch them for another hour because Alexander has his swim lesson" "I want to go. Let's bring the twins" "Babe it's really cold in their you should just stay home , please" "Babe we have blankets and they are warm come on I've never seen him swim" "Okay get everything in the car and let's go"

I went into Alexanders room. He was already ready. "You got ready by yourself? Good job honey!" "Thank you mommy!" "Okay let's go honey" I grabbed his towel and his swim bag and I got him into the car. Which Michael had already buckled up the twins so we where ready to go. When we arrived to his swim glass brayden was their with a little girl around Alexanders age. I went into the bathroom to change into my swim suit and then hopped into the pool with Alexander.

"Hey brayden" "Oh hey Maddison, this must be your son" "Yes this is Alexander. Say hi buddy" "Hi" "And who is this cutie" I asked. "This is my sister Brooklyn" "Hi Brooklyn" "Hi" She said very shy. "She's cute" "Thank you. Is that your brother over their?" "Um no actually that's my boyfriend... husband" "oh. You're married?" "Yeah. And those are my babies, Ellie and kash" "Babe, let me see kash" He grabbed him out of his stroller and put him up. "That's kash" "He's cute, just like you" "Haha" When Alexanders class was over I got into some warm clothes and dressed Alexander.

Brayden came up to me as I was putting Alexanders shoes on. "Babe, this is Brayden. He's in one of my classes. Brayden this is my husband Michael" "Hi, nice to meet you" "Nice to meet you too" "Well I'll see you at school" "Yeah okay"

I grabbed Kash and headed to the car. "I saw how he looked at you Maddison is their something going on between you two" He sounded really angry. "Wow. Just because you cheated doesn't mean I'll cheat ok! I'm super fucking happy with you Michael sorry I don't tell you that enough but I'm tired all the time! I never get time to myself! No nothing going on I just met him!" "I've never seen you this angry" "Yeah well I'm tired okay! I'm tired of everything!" I suddenly started crying. I don't know why. "What's wrong? Baby don't cry" "I've just been really depressed lately I don't know why I just suddenly feel sad all the time" "Babe maybe you should see a doctor" "No babe, I'll be fine" "Okay if you say so" He said holding my hand.

When we got home I took a nap while Michael watched the kids. I got woken up my Michael. "Hey babe. My mom took the kids" "What? Why" "So we could have some time alone" "Babe, i really want to be alone with you for a while but I have to have my babies" "Well if you just want to be with the kids then our fucking marriage will never work!" "Calm down! Oh my god." "Well i cant! We never have any time alone anymore" "It's kinda your fault I always get pregnant! You don't fucking wear condoms! I love our kids but start wearing condoms" I patted him on the chest.

"Fine then" He threw me onto the bed and grabbed a condom from his bed side table. "Babe I literally gave birth to twins a month ago" "That doesn't bother me" "Your obsessed with sex!" "Only sex with you babe" "I mean as long as the kids aren't home"

After it was over we both layed their. "I need to go on birth control" "You really do" "And you need to start wearing condoms" "But I want to feel you" "Stop" I said looking down. "I really do. When I dont wear condoms and we do it I feel so much closer to you" "I feel that too babe but I'm not trying to get pregnant again" "Not even in the future?" "Nope, I'm done babe. I'm freaking 20 years old with 3 kids! Practically 4, I'm done" "But babe, just one more" "Babe" "Come on. When our twins are not babies anymore we need to try to have atleast one more" "Well let's leave that up to god , because I'm kinda done. For awhile" "Sure you are" "I am babe I'm so tired all the time, plus I want to spend some time with you" I touched him down their. But then I got up. "Wow really" "Yup. Your going to have to wait to get some of this again" "Babe really! We are literally married and we can't fuck whenever we want" "Babe!" "What? I mean married couples do it all the time it's allowed now" "Whatever! Maybe later" I winked.

I grabbed some legging and a sports bra. Surprisingly I lost most of the baby weight in the last 4 weeks. I had been working out like crazy while the babies were asleep.

I sat out in the living room and turned on netflix. Then the door bell rang, I got up and opened it. It was Jackson. "Oh hey jackson what do you want" "I just came to do this" He grabbed and kissed me. I made out with him on my front porch.

A few minutes later I woke up , I was laying on the couch. I had fallen asleep. I woke up to someone knocking on the door. I questioned why I dreamt that.

I opened the door. It was Aden. I hadn't seen him in almost 2 years. So I threw myself onto him and hugged him super tight. I wrapped my legs around his torso. He grabbed onto my thighs to keep me from falling off.

"Aden! I missed you so much" "You should probably hop off of him Maddison you are married" "Wow your married?" He said putting me down carefully. "I just heard you got knocked up again but I didn't know you where married" "Oh so people where saying I was knocked up?" "Yeah" "Oh, well I guess nothing has changed about these people" "Yeah theirs always some new rumors" "Yeah I bet. Anyways come in! Sit down"

He came in and we ordered some food. While Michael sat in our room watching movies. Later on I went into our room, and Michael was mad at me. "What's wrong babe?" "Nothing" "I know somethings wrong, are you mad at me?" "No , my mom took the kids so we could spend some alone time" "We still have some time" I said climbing onto him to sit on his lap. "I like the sound of that" "What do you say we go out Friday night? We go out to dinner , than get a hotel room. My mom told me she'd keep the kids whenever I wanted" "That sounds great babe" "Okay I'll look for a hotel and a restaurant" "Okay, mean while let's cuddle"

~ hope you guys liked this chapter! So much drama is going to happen in the next few chapters!!

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