chapter 14

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The next morning I got up around 8:30 to start packing. After I was done packing I made Michael and Alexander some breakfast.

"So how long is this cruise?" "About 4 days. We got our own room, and your mom said she'll keep Alexander every night" "Wow that's nice of her" "So babe I was wondering , how far along are you" "I think 12 weeks" "When are we gonna tell people?" "We arent" "Babe" "We have to wait okay. I domt want to get too excited" "Babe, you'll be fine, we just have to pray that everything goes good with this baby" "I pray all the time babe" "How long have you known" "8 weeks" "What? Why didn't you tell me" "Theirs always a chance I can loose the baby, I don't want to get my hopes up" "Baby trust me well be fine" "I hope so"

After breakfast I grabbed Alexander. "Come here baby! Let's bathe you" "Babe I can do that" "No its fine I want to do" After his bath he took his nap.

I sat on the couch and turned on the tv. "I honestly love my dad" "I love your dad too. So I have to ask you something" "What is it?" "Have you talked to jeremy?" "No, why" "I figure you should atleast tell him your married now, I have a whole bunch of letters he sent to you" "What!" "Yeah theirs got to be atleast 30" "Babe, why would you not give them to me?" "Because I figured you wouldn't want them since your married to me" "But babe. Where are they, can I get them?" He handed them to me , they where in his backpack.

I sat down and read them. "Babe, i dont want you to be angry after I say this okay" "okay" "I'm going to visit him. I just need to tell him that I'm really happy with you, and that I'm married now." "Of course babe, do what you have to do. I love you" "I love you too, I'm gonna go get dressed"

I pulled on some leggings and a long sleeve shirt. It was kind of tight. I was already 3 months pregnant so my belly was growing, I was really skinny so if I wore anything tight you could tell I was pregnant. It was cold so I grabbed a sweater.

"Okay babe, I'm going now I'll be back in an hour or so. I heard the wait is 30 mins and the visit is 45. So I might take longer" "Okay. I love you" "I love you too" I gave him a kiss and left.

I drove to the prison which was a 15 minute drive.

When I got their I went up to the window to request to see him.

"Hey can I visit jeremy meeks?" "Is he your husband?" He asked looking at my ring. "No he's my ex boyfriend" "Oh, the wait will be 30 mins" "Okay thank you"

After 30 mins they let us in. I sat down and waited for jeremy. When he came out I gave him a hug. "Hey" "Hey maddison" "How are you?" "I'm good I guess. I mean I'm in prison for 2 years so I've been better" "2 years? Woah." "Yeah, it'll go by fast hopefully. So I see you are pregnant and married" "how'd you know?" I said covering my little belly with my sweater. "Your ring, and that belly" "That's what I came to talk to you about" "You shouldn't have, Maddison , I love you but I know I can't be with you, you could've written a letter" "I came to talk to you about the letters you wrote me. Michael gave them to me, I'm just so confused , you told me not to wait for you , and you write me telling me you want me to wait for you" "I don't know why I even sent those okay. It was stupid, you shouldn't take everything I write serious. Don't come back" "I wasnt planning to. I guess I'll go then" "Yeah you should" I got up and walked away.

I drove home in tears. When I got home I sat on the couch and layed my head on Michael. "He was so rude babe" "He's just mad, don't let him make you sad babe" "He told me not to 'come back' I wasn't even planning to visit him again" "Babe you can't cry over this" "I'm hormonal" "I know. Babe just take a nap or something"

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