chapter 7

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Jeremy in the picture

We where finally on break. We had one week off and it was Friday , that night I was going to a rave. Before my son was born all I would do on most weekends was go to raves.

I was getting ready at one of my college friends house. I grabbed a sparkly crop top, and some shorts.

Most girls when they go to raves where little to nothing. I was now a mom so I decided not to be so revealing.

The rave I was going to tonight started at 10, and ended at 2. So It was only a 4 hour rave.

I met a guy at the rave. If you couldn't tell I meet guys everywhere. But this guy, he was really sweet. He invited me and my friends to an after party. And we decided to go.

But all I did that night was talk to him. The first thing he did when we got to the party. He took me outside where their was a swing, a huge swing that you could lay on. He brought me one of his sweaters from his room and a blanket.

"I'm really glad I met you at the rave" When I first saw him I was kinda confused on why he was at a rave he did not look like the type to be at a rave. "Your probably wondering why I was at a rave" "Yeah, I am." "Well my friend forced me to go with them. Their 17, and their parents wouldn't let them go without an adult" "So I'm guessing your 20?" "22 actually" "Oh" "Yeah I'm guessing your 18" "19 I just turned 19, do you have any kids?" "Yeah two boys" "Oh" "Yeah, I hope that's not a problem" "No not at all. I actually have a son" "Wow, and your 19?" "Yeah, he's turning one in a couple days" "Are you still with the father" "No I never was, it just happened. You know I was upset at the time at my boyfriend, we'll ex, we weren't dating at the time" "Oh and he took advantage of you" "No, I actually suggested it. I was the one who pulled out the condom" I looked down. Kind of ashamed. "But I love my son, so I'm glad it happened." "Yeah I love my kids, their 5 and 3 "

I was kinda drunk by the end of the party. Jeremy hadn't drank at all so he offered to drive me home. So he did, "Hey just stay over" "No , I shouldn't" "Yeah I mean it's my car so you don't have a ride, I'll just drop you off in the morning" "Fine, but I'll sleep on the floor" "Ok that's fine"

We quietly went into my room. I put some big blankets on the floor and gave him one to stay warm. While I was doing that Michael walked in.

"Wtf Maddison, I swear to god. You come home at friecking 4 in the morning , and then you bring some random guy to our apartment." "And your fucking drunk! What's your problem , you have a kid" "Michael let's talk about this tomorrow your gonna wake Alexander" "No where talking about it now" "Michael" "No , I'm fucking tired of you" "Okay, when you would go out every fucking night to go sleep with girls, and I would stay up taking care of Alexander, I go out one night and you come into my room bitching at me , I should be tired of you ! I do nothing but take care of our son and you don't appreciate it." I said pushing him out of my room.

"Woah" "Yeah, he's something, he's real mean, hey I'll be right back" I quickly went into what was going to be Josiah's room which was once Alexanders. I sat on the rocking chair.

Jeremy came into the room. "Is this Alexanders room" "haha No, it was" "Oh, then who's is it?" "It's my other son's room, we'll it would've been" "What happened?" He said putting on hand on my knee. "We don't really know, when I was 6 months I lost my baby" "Oh, that's , that's so sad. I'm sorry I didn't know" "Yeah, I never really drink , I just think about my baby all the time and I'm just so depressed about it still hurts alot and I dont think Michael understands, I carried him for 6 months and then he was gone, I know he's upset like me, but not as upset as me" "Yeah I wouldn't understand, maybe you need to talk to him about it and tell him how you feel" "Yeah, but he never listens" "Why do you live with him?" "Our son, It's a lot easier for us" "Oh, well I'm a single dad" "How did that happen?" "My son's mom couldn't raise them, she's like crazy" "Oh, that's sweet , your raising your son's , I'm sure they will turn out great, like you" "Thanks, hopefully they are a lot better than me, I made some stupid choices." "I mean we all make stupid choices, you learn from them" "Yeah, I guess so, I'm gonna take my shirt off its super hot in here" "Yeah it's fine I'll turn on my fan if you want" "Yeah sure"

We ended up falling asleep , the next morning we woke up at around 8. I got ready, I had on a tie dye crop top , and some black leggings. With my Nike slip on sandals.

We decided to go out for breakfast. I stuck my head into Michaels room. "Hey I'm going out to breakfast , I'm taking Alexander. Do you want anything?" "No." I walked into his room and closed the door. "What's your problem" "You" "Okay, well I'm sorry I was drunk and had fun last night. You always do so why can't i, grow up and get over it." I walked out of the room and grabbed Alexander and my purse.

"Okay let's go jeremy" "Hey can we stop by at my house , I need to shower and get changed" "Yeah sure let's go" I buckled Alexander in his car seat and started driving to his house.

When we arrived we went into his room. He shared the house with one other guy. "So where are your kids?" "Um their at my mom's house" "Do you think they could join is for breakfast" "Yeah , I'll call my mom and tell her where picking them up" After jeremy showered we went to his mom's house to pick up both his kids

They where so cute. His mom was so nice. We invited her to breakfast to but she had to cook for her 4 other kids. They where all guys. They where all 17 and up. They where so nice as well.

We went to a diner that's out of town. I talked to his oldest son , he's 5 years old. "You are so pretty" He told me. "Thank you, you are very handsome yourself" "Thank you , are you my daddy's girlfriend" "No , I'm his friend" "Oh, can you be his girlfriend, and my mommy" "Aww you are so cute" jeremy came back. "What where you telling her" "If she could be my new mommy" He smiled. "Because I don't have a mommy" "Aww, of course I'll be your mommy" He got up a gave me a hug. "He's so cute"

~ hope you all like my story. Share it with your friends. And leave me comments !!

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