Tawny somnolent sunshine,
And a lighter-than-air drizzle,
The sky, a lazy cerulean.
So many loose ends to tie,
So many errands to run,
But for now, let me just
Take a ten minute vacation.
My eyes glide closed like,
Slow curtains.
And my mind slips into,
That enticing realm between,
Sleep and consciousness.
Dreams at night are so vivid,
Disconcerting colours in high definition.
But noon dreams are soft,
They just skim past your subconscious,
In warm, comforting monochrome.
My mundane every day struggles,
Become magical adventures,
And the ones who people my life,
Become incomparable heroes.
And everything seems simple,
And everything seems to have a solution.
My mind meditates,
My body goes slack and loose,
My worried frown evanesces,
My hair turns tousled,
And my lips are lifted up in a joyous smile.
So many loose ends to tie,
So many errands to run,
But for now, let me just
Take a ten minute vacation.
Thank you for reading!!
Updates are going to be lesS frequent now. Exams are just around the corner, and I have a lot of last minute cramming to do.
So have a lovely day, and wish us luck!!!
PoesiaHi there! The word NEPENTHE means anything that induces forgetfulness of sorrow or pain. I, for one, believe that little things like smiles, my mother's comfort food and long walks are the best forms of nepenthe around. These poems celebrate the s...