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I learnt that night time is when children grow,

That pulses of hormones released uncages the potential within.

(Stage 3 of sleep)

It's almost the same with me.

I'm a night shift kind of person,

Musings come like fireflies,

And the darkness and the feeling of ending of the day,

Paradoxically, makes me come to life.

And that's the time I grow.

I grow inch by inch out of the immature notions,

That are far too short, and far too narrow,

To fit me now.

I shoot up taller than the frightening expectations,

That people carelessly dump on my shoulders.

I shed off like snakeskin, the regrets and the if-onlys,

I get plumper with the joys and the love I have now,

Instead of starving myself with things not yet attained.

My heart enlarges to hold more love and feeling,

My fingers and arms grow kinder,

A subtler tongue, confident voice,

And a head of the right circumference.

( Too big is bad, too small just as bad)

And as the morning rolls in I,

In the space of a few hours,

Have grown so much,

Guess I should thank my pituitary.

Thank you for reading!!!

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