Confirm diagnosis of Cheerlessness
Symptoms: absence of smile
Gloomy appearance
Slow heart
Feeling of no purpose
Decreased appetite for life
Often with no particular cause
After diagnosis confirmed,
Start oral dose chocolate stat, as much as patient needs,
Monitor patient's mood every half hour
If patient's condition not responding to chocolate,treat case as serious
Next line of treatment is music therapy.
Provide earphones to patient, play 'Can't Stop The Feeling' or 'Cake By The Ocean ' non-stop for one whole hour and observe response.
If patient's condition still not improving, stop music therapy
Next step is to encourage patient to take a long nap. If patient unable to fall asleep on her own, provide any medicine related textbook to patient and ask to read. Sleep guaranteed by 5 minutes.
If this also doesn't work, give cell phone to patient, and ask her to call her best friend. Advise heart to heart talk for about 2 hours.
WhatsApp contraindicated.
Then if this doesn't work, next call goes to mom or dad. Repeat heart to heart.
If the above step also doesn't produce results, the only treatment left is a looooooong break from everything.
Advise patient to take a long trip somewhere, with friends or family. This is foolproof.
Follow up of patient is very important.
Prophylaxis against Cheerlessness is given in the form of inculcating a new hobby like, learning a new language, music lessons, reading, joining Wattpad, cooking etc.Thanks for reading!!!!
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