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"Okay...one scotch on the rocks and a cape cod." I said setting down the two drinks on individual cocktail napkins for the two men I was serving at the bar. With one last friendly smile I turned my back towards them to return the liquor bottle back on the shelves behind me. As I was putting back the bottle of vodka on the shelf I felt a soft tap on my shoulder. Turning my head to the side I saw the smirking face of my friend and coworker Cami O'Connell. Without a word she handed me a cocktail napkin. Grabbing it I looked down at it to see a name and a number written on it, "You owe me ten dollars in tips." Cami said as she playfully hip bumped me. I scoffed and crumpled up the napkin, "For what exactly?" She tossed her wash rag over her shoulder and turned to face me once again, "Because I said you would get someones number before the end of the night and I said that his name would start with an A. So cough up." With a groan I shoved my hand into my apron pocket and handed her ten dollars from my tips, "Damn you, Adam." I mumbled about the stranger who cost me the bet.

Looking down at my watch I saw that it was time for me to go home. After doing a few last minute things and putting my apron away I grabbed my side bag from under the counter and slung it over my shoulder. I handed Cami my wash rag, "Don't miss me too much when I leave." I joked with her. She rolled her eyes and smacked my butt with the rag, "Oh shut up, I'm going to see you tomorrow." I let out a little chuckle and walked out from behind the bar, "See you tomorrow Cami!" I shouted as I started walking out the bar. "Text me when you get home so I know you got there safe." She responded. I turned around and shook my head, "Nope. I think I prefer to just not tell you." I joked. She glared at me, "I'm kidding mom. I will let you know when I get there. I love you, bye." As I turned around to walk out Rousseau's I bumped into a hard chest. Looking up at the source I saw a tall man in a pristine suit, doe brown eyes and short dark brown hair. Removing my hands from his chest I took a step back, "I should really watch where I'm going. Sorry."

He studied my face as he said, "It's quite alright." Without another word I walked out of there and headed onto the streets of the french quarter. As I was taking a shortcut to get to my apartment I saw people gathered in the middle of the streets with candles. Slowly I made my way closer to see Jane-Anne Deveraux, one of the witches of the French Quarter, laying on the floor with her throat slit from corner to corner. I let out a small gasp due to shock which caused Jane-Anne's sister, Sophie, to look up at me. She stood up from her position on the floor and glared at me, "You can't be here. You shouldn't be here." She spat. "I'm just trying to get home Sophie." "You helped cause this." I was taken aback at what she said. Me and the Deveraux family use to get along, but after a few incidents due to the coven we had a falling out.  Before I could respond to what she said whistling and laughter played out in the streets and I knew who was coming. Vampires started jumping off of cars and buildings making their way towards us.

"Well, well, well. What have we here?" The voice of the infamous Marcel Gerard rang out into the night. He stepped forward and as he did he gave me a confused expression as to why I was there. I lightly shook my head signifying that it wasn't important.

"I got to tell you, Soph, this street corner is not proving the luckiest spot for your family tonight." Marcel directed to the only Deveraux member. "Not half an hour ago, we had to teach your sister a little lesson." I shut my eyes and internally groaned at him. Even though I have a special place for Marcel in my heart, I didn't always agree with the way he treated the witches. I especially didn't agree with killing them in the middle of town. 

"We're putting her to rest, Marcel. Leave us alone, and take your witch rescue with you." Sophie said. I rolled my eyes the sly insult she directed at me but kept quiet nonetheless. I was ready to leave seeing as my intention of coming this route was to get home faster. I took a step forward to leave but Marcel's night-walkers didn't move, "I never said you could move the body. Matter of fact, I left her here for a reason, send a message. If anybody is thinking about joining some kind of rebellion, my rules state that witches can't practice magic in the quarter, and yet a little birdie informed me that Jane-Anne was cooking up something magically delicious."

Bleeding Heart~ Klaus Mikaelson {1} (rewriting) (editing slowly) Where stories live. Discover now