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I placed my hands on top of hers and she started to chant I could feel the magic tingling the tips of my fingers and making its way up to my neck. Shutting my eyes I let the magic takeover. Flashing images were running through my mind as voices were speaking all at the same time. The voices were getting louder and louder by the second so I was going to pull away my hands from hers but she just tightened her grip, "Not yet." I winced in pain as it just kept getting louder and then everything was silent. A few seconds past before I heard a heart monitor beeping. I  could hear voices talking and then the heart monitor was going out of control and loud sobbing was heard, "No! Not my baby! not my baby!" The familiar voice of my mother sobbed. Before I could see clearly we broke apart due to the ringing of a phone. Looking around me I saw that I was in the Voodoo shop I folded my shaking hands in front of me and looked at them trying to calm down. As I stared at the shaky movement a clear cold drop fell on them. 

"Sweetheart? It's for you." Ms. Hathaway said as she lightly shook my phone in front of my face. I was so out of that I didn't even notice when she stood up. Once I grabbed my phone I brought it up to my ear shakily, "Hello?" I answered. "Analia? Analia, hey so we found Davina but Elijah and I are too far. Do you think you can get to her before we do?" I nodded my head, "Yeah. Where is she?" "She's at Rousseau's." I stood up from my seat, "I'm close by so I got it covered." With that I hung the phone up and was going to walk out the door, "Thank you." I said simply as I walked out the shop and made my way to Rousseau's. Arriving I saw an older guy push Davina down, and the same guy threw a curly haired boy over the bar. I sped over and stepped in front of Davina, "Back off." I snarled at them. The man just chuckled, "A vampire? You do know what we do to vampires in the french quarter, right?" I let my veins come out under my eyes as my eyes turned a dark red, "I'm a Woodley? You did know that, right?" Before he could respond I sped up to him and sank my fangs into his neck. I dropped his body and moved onto the next guy snapping his neck and turned around to do the same to the other guy when he grabbed my arm. I was going to break free when someone else grabbed the opposite arm. Struggling in their hold I saw that one of them snarled their fangs I furrowed my eyebrows in worry as he grabbed my wrist and took a big chunk out of it. Screaming out in pain they threw me to the floor. 

One of them pinned me down and was going to kill me when a blur pushed him out of the way. I sat up wide eyed to see the man I saw when I was pregnant and under a spell thanks to Monique. "You filthy dogs." He spat at them in disgust. The wolves all charged at him but they were nothing compared to him as he took them out two by two. He ripped their hearts out and snapped their necks making it look so easy. I heard Davina scream and I looked over to my left to see a man thrashing her around like a doll. I sped over to her and helped him get off of her but before I could do anything he bit my neck causing me to shout in pain. He pulled away and I headbutted him and snapped his neck. He fell to the ground and I stumbled to stay up. Looking over to Davina I saw she looked worried. I was going to walk over to her when the man from the spell picked me up by my neck, "You won't make it back home. So why not end you now?" His hand shot into my chest holding and squeezing my heart. Before he could pull it out a blur broke his arm causing him to let go of my heart and for me to fall on the ground. Looking ahead of me I could see a blurred sight of a man in a tux facing the man. I tried standing up but fell back down feeling too weak to stand up again. As I lay on the floor I could hear screaming and shouting. As soon as the shouting started it ended and someone helped me stand. 

"Analia? Are you alright?" Elijah said as he tried holding my head up.I nodded weakly, "Yup, just a few bumps and scrapes. Nothing I can't handle." I joked. He turned my head to the left to see the bloody bit on the right of my neck. He sighed and looked down at my hand to see blood trickling down. He lifted my wrist to see another wolf bite, "Don't worry, Klaus will help you." He wrapped his arm around me but stopped, "Something to say?" He asked the boy who was thrown behind the bar. "Not me, mate. Not a bloody thing." With that Elijah and I sped back to the compound. When we got into the compound I stumbled getting up the stairs, "Analia. Let me help you." I shook my head and pushed Elijah away, "No. I'm-I'm fine." While walking up the stairs my knees felt as if they were going to give in. I pushed myself to get into my room and lay in bed. Laying there I felt hot and like I was slowly dying. I laid in bed thinking about everything. What if this is what I need? What if this is the only way to see my daughter again? Do I want to get this pain and heartache over with right now or should I ride it out and see what life throws at me. 

The door to my room opened and in rushed a worried Klaus. He cupped my cheek and looked at my sweaty and dying figure. I gave him a weak smile, "What? You don't like the new look?" I joked. He gave me a stern look telling me that it wasn't funny. He bit into his wrist and was bringing it up to my lips when I stopped him. "I don't want it." I said simply. My mind had been made up. If I wanted to see my daughter again and be with her then the only way to do that is for me to die. Klaus shook his head and tried to force his wrist to my mouth, "You don't know what you're saying." I pushed his hand away and nodded my head, "I do know what I'm saying, Klaus. I know that I feel so broken and there is nothing that is going to fix me. So if there is nothing that can fix me then why live." He looked at me with tears in his eyes and cupped my face, "You aren't broken. You're just a little cracked, so you don't need fixing. And the Analia that I know would never give up. I love you too much to let you die. So I need you to drink my blood to help cure you so that we can glue together the cracks."

He brought his wrist up to my lips and I hesitantly opened my mouth and started to drink on the bitter tasting liquid. I pulled away and saw and felt that my bites were all gone. He let out a sigh of relief, "You, Analia Woodley, need to live because without you I would go mad. You make me a better person and I am not ashamed to admit that. I love you." He kissed my forehead. I looked at him and held his hand, "Did Elijah tell you what happened at the bar?" He nodded his head and looked down at our clasped hands, "He said that our father was back. But he's not the only one." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "My mother is back as well." Wide eyed I sat up in bed and shook my head, "We-we need to do something. C-Come up with a plan or something. We can't just sit here." I rushed out at him. He nodded his head and laid me back down, "We will. But scheming starts tomorrow. You need to rest." With that he kissed the back of my hand and walked out of the room. New Orleans honestly sucks. 


Hey guys! I know you haven't heard much about me. You probably thought I was dead or something, but I'm not I'm back and slowly getting better. Sorry I haven't updated in forever it's just that I haven't been in the right place of mind and I just I was very depressed and shit was happening in my life and it was just too much for me to do updates and keep up with how fast the world around me was going. But I'm somewhat back now and I will try to update a little bit better then before. I can not say enough how sorry I am. Please forgive me. 






Bleeding Heart~ Klaus Mikaelson {1} (rewriting) (editing slowly) Where stories live. Discover now