21. It's going to be alright

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Third person POV:

Everyone was thrown back due to the explosion that just occurred. Elijah stood up from his spot and starred at the destroyed motorbike. Elijah was completely fine except for the fact that all his clothes as singed and ripped. Jackson was pretty badly injured and bleeding, Hayley and Oliver were laying next to each other. Oliver looked up at Hayley, "Hayley, you okay?" Hayley couldn't really hear his voice over the ringing in her ears. Hayley stumbled up and looked around for Analia when she found a little boy standing sadly next to what she was guessing was his father. 

Hayley walked over to the little boy and tried to turn him away from the horrible sight, "It's okay. Here come here." She picked him up and started to carry him. She started to look around in panic, she saw Jackson stumble up and she called out to him, "Jackson?" He walked over to her and checked her for injuries, "Here. Get him away from here." She demanded him. She handed the little boy over to him and Jackson walked away with the boy in his arms. Elijah walked up to Hayley, "Hayley." She looked back at him and let out a sigh of relief, "Elijah." 

Oliver got up from his spot on the ground and looked around trying to see if anyone need help. He was helping a man when he saw a familiar opal gemstone ring on a skinny delicate finger. His eyes widened and he ran over, he knelt down to see and unconscious Analia. 

"No no no no. Come on. Wake up." He said frantically. He lifted her head to see that she had banged her head against a rock pretty hard. The rock was covered with blood along with the left side of her face. Oliver's eyes started to water at the thought of her being gone, he shook his head wanting to be strong for her. He lifted her up and when he did he looked over to see that he needed to help Eve with another werewolf. 

"Analia!" Jackson's voice shouted laced with worry. Jackson ran up to Oliver and grabbed Analia, he looked down at the dying girl in his arms then back up to Oliver, "You go help the others, I'll take care of Analia." Oliver nodded his head, he moved a strand of hair from her face and then reluctantly left to help the others. Jackson was taking Analia somewhere away from all the chaos, he set her down gently and looked over her when he heard Elijah coming from behind him. 

Elijah helped a man sit down, but when he saw Analia he sped over to her. Elijah checked for her pulse and when he found a faint one he sighed a little in relief. He then used his hearing to see if the baby was alright and it was. He bit into his wrist and brought his wrist up to Analia's mouth. Jackson grabbed his wrist and moved it away, "What do you think you're doing?" Elijah glared at him, "If I don't feed her my blood she, along with her child, will die. Do you understand?" Jackson glared at him and then let go of his wrist, "Do it." Was all he had to say. Elijah bit into his wrist once more and brought it up to Analia's mouth. The red thick liquid went down her throat and in a couple of seconds her eyes shot open. 

Elijah and Jackson helped her sit up, she started to cough and when she did that her sleeves were getting covered in blood. Elijah and Jackson looked at her waiting for her to say something, "I swear to God I am going to kill whoever did this." She groaned. They both sighed in relief thankful that she was back to herself. Elijah gave her a kiss on the forehead and stood up, "Watch over her." He demanded Jackson. Jackson nodded his head in understanding and helped Analia get on her feet. Elijah walked away and started to help others while Jackson was helping Analia, "Jackson, I'm fine. Where's Felicity?" She asked worried for the small child that she grew to like. He shook his head not knowing the answer, she limped away from him and started to limp around trying to look for her. 

"Felicity?!" Analia shouted looking around for her. A man walked up to her and grabbed her by the shoulders, "You found her? You found my daughter?" Analia shook her head frantically. 

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