Chapter 12

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Elliot shook me awake, "Marinette! They're back!" I rubbed my eyes and sat up, "What time is it?" I yawn. "Um . . . 8:00 AM, they uh, spent the night at his house."

My eyes went wide, "WHAT!" I leapt out of bed and raced toward the kitchen to find Adrien and Molly talking. "ADRIEN AGRESTE!" Elliot tried to pull me back, but I escaped from his grip, and smacked Adrien across the face, "WHY WEREN'T YOU BACK? WHERE DID YOU GO?" I screamed at him, my face red with anger and from the tears pouring out of my eyes.

"Woah Marinette calm down I-" "NO SHUT UP! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU KISSED ME AND THEN WENT-" "Wait, wait, I never kissed you, what are you talking about?" I gasped and covered my mouth, "I . . ."

Adrien's face went pale, and I began to cry harder, getting on my knees, Adrien went down on my level, "Marinette I don't know what this is about, but . . . I'm sorry."

I sniffled and put my arms around him, after a while words came out of my mouth that I thought I would never hear myself say because of my cowardness.

"I like you Adrien."

Adrien let go and looked at me, "Really?" His face went a pinkish color, "There was something I've been meaning to tell you, um, well my friend lost his ring and I need help finding it."

My face lit up, maybe that's why Molly and Adrien went to Adrien's house!

"I'll help!" I say right away. Adrien smiled, "Great!"


We started to walk toward the Agreste Mansion at 10:00, "My dad should be in his office taking phone calls right now, and Nathalie should be on her lunch break." Adrien says.

Molly wasn't with them since she had to work today, so it was just Adrien and I. I was still red faced from what I told Adrien earlier, about me liking him. "So, Adrien, who is the owner of this ring?" she asks.

"Oh, um I'd rather not say . . ." He smiles awkwardly. "What do you mean? (Oh no please don't sing the song -_-) It's not like you stole the ring."

Adrien shakes his head, "Of course not!" There was a silence until he spoke up again. "Look, Marinette you were one of my best friends in school, so I think I can trust you with this."

I listen carefully, Adrien stares down at his left hand before he speaks.










"I know Chat Noir's secret identity, and he asked me to take care of his ring while he was on vacation, and I don't know where it is." Adrien said quickly.

Ughhhhhhh. Chat Noirrr whyyy sooo irresponsible. Should. Have. Taken. Ring. With. You. I groan internally.

I sigh, "Okay, let's go look for it." I mumble. "Just one problem . . ." Adrien points up to the window in his room.

"Oh! Could you wait for a moment? I have to go to the restroom." I say, walking backword out of view.

After I got behind a tree I opened up my purse and Tikki flew out, "Tikki is here!" Tikki said joyfully with a little giggle at the end. "Tikki, I need to be Ladybug for like one minute."

Tikki looks around "I don't see any danger-" "Tikki! Spots on!" I shout. When I am finally transformed into Ladybug I run back toward the Agreste mansion and see Adrien waiting with his phone out.

"Adrien!" I shout, walking up to him casually. His face goes pink, "L . . . Ladybug?" He asks.

I smile, "Yes, I heard that you needed help again?" I say. Adrien nods and looks at the ground, "Yeah. . ." With no hesitation, I grab his waist and throw my yo-yo up at his window.

I land and place Adrien on the ground beside me, "Wait! My friend Marinette is still down there!" Adrien says.

"Oh! Marinette . . . um, well she said that . . . she got an emergency phone call from her parents, and she had to take it."

Adrien sighed, "Alright, do you think you can help me find my friend's ring?" I nod, "Of course! That's what friends, I mean, heros are for!"

Adrien slowly opened the door to the hallway and we crept out, looking out for Mr. Agreste and Nathalie.

"I have an idea, follow me." I follow Adrien towards a room that looks like it is either a work room or a large dining room. A portrait of Adrien's mom hung at the end of the room.

Adrien walks up to his mom's portrait and moved it, revealing a vault, "Plagg?"

Silence crept through the room until a little black cat kwami flew out of the vault, opening it up. "Adr-IEN!" The kwami sees me and yelps. Suddenly all of the pieces come together, I remember the ring that Adrien always wears, how his right hand is empty of a ring, and the ring he has to find for his "friend."

Adrien is Chat Noir.

Adrien doesn't say anything, but grabs the ring from Plagg's tiny paws. "Chat . . . Chat Noir?" I say. Adrien turns toward me quickly, "W. . . what?" His face went pale. "I know you are Chat Noir! What were you thinking when you called Plagg out?"

"Ladybug, can you keep it down?" Adrien says hurriedly, growing paler at the second, I thought he was going to faint. I couldn't believe my crush since I was fourteen was Chat Noir. Chat Freakin Noir.

"No! I just-" I sat down and started to rethink all the times Chat has flirted with me and I turned him down, and then the one time I kissed-

"Eeeep!" I made a noise and blushed madly. I kissed Adrien! Twice I guess if you count the time our lips touched in-

"Ladybug?" I looked up and saw Chat Noir. I kept silent, but our little awkward silence was broken by a surprised Mr. Agreste. "Oh well hello Chat Noir! Or should I say son."


Hey loves! Hopefully you liked the chapter :3

QOTC: What is your favorite meme? (Lol jk jk kidding) What is your favorite school subject


AOTC: . . .Lunch


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