Chapter 26

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I wake up with Marinette cuddled into my chest, her arms around me tightly, and popcorn all around the bed, after watching a couple episodes of Marinette's childhood, we watched Jumanji and Marinette fell asleep in no less than 20 minutes in the movie, I could tell she was tired from yesterday's drama.

She made a little sound and nuzzled herself more into my chest, I chuckle and move her hair out of her eyes, "Good Morning Princess." I say as she opens one big, vibrant, blue eye.

She smiles brightly and kisses my forehead, "Good morning my Prince." A splash of red marked both of my cheeks, and I grabbed her cheeks, "You missed." She arched an eyebrow, "What?" "You missed." I leaned in closer and closed the gap between us, pressing my lips into hers.

She kissed me back, and I was filled with happiness, Marinette is my girlfriend! My girlfriend is Marinette!

She pulled back, "We better stop kissing now, or else someone might walk in on us." She played with my shirt's collar. I sat up and looked up at the ceiling, "Oh yeah, in the other chapters, when we kissed someone walked in on us."

Marinette got out of bed and stretched, "Well I've got a big day today, Lilleth and I are going to be going to talk to Chloé, want to join?" I shook my head as I remembered the events that happened yesterday, "No thanks, I think I am just going to rest for the day."

She placed her hand on my cheek and smiled, "Alright, just get some rest today, I'll be back by noon." Her phone buzzed and when she looked down at it her face fell, "Great, only one more day until I have to go back to College." She looked back up at me and smiled, "Well, see you later." She walked out of the room.

Guilt went through me as I remembered that I haven't told her what was bothering me. I felt my heart pound against my chest and I placed my hand in my chest and flinched. What was that? Why did that happen?

I ignored it as I got out of bed and started changing. It was probably nothing.


Lilleth and I stood in front of the Bourgeois hotel, Lilleth's face was covered by a black fedora and a white scarf, so it was hard to tell her emotions. "Ready?" I ask her. She looks down, "Sure." We walk up to the man in front of the door. "Hello I'm Marinette and this is-"

I get cut off by Lilleth pulling out a white quill from her purse and sticking it under his nose. His expression changed and he moved out of the way of the door and bowed. She smiled in satisfaction while I stood opened mouth, "What was that for?"

She smiled at me, "Oh sweetie it'll wear off don't worry, and also I can't have anyone recognizing me, I don't want to have a reunion with him." She mumbled the last part and continued walking toward the elevators.

I shrugged it off and followed her into the elevator. As we were going up I could see Lilleth messing with the buttons on her brown coat, obviously she was nervous. "Hey." I get her attention, "Yes?" Her voice cracked. "It's going to be alright." I give her the brightest smile I could give.

The elevator opened and it revealed a shocked Chloé, Lilleth walked out of the elevator and slowly put her arms around her. Chloé didn't say anything, she only gazed at the floor. I walked out of the elevator just as it shut, "Do you guys want me to give you some privacy?" I ask.

Adrienette //Not Over You//{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now