Chapter 28

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(Marinette's POV)

I watched helplessly as Mayor Bourgeois walked closer to Chloe and Lilleth. I struggled to get my hands out of the ropes, but wasn't successful. Lilleth stepped in front of her daughter. "Are you the one threatening her Bourgeois?"

He smirked. "And what if I am Lilleth?" She glared at him with the most hatred I've ever seen in my life. White mist surrounded her. Lilleth looked down and reached for something in her pocket. I stared wide eyed as I saw the item was a knife. She pointed that knife at the Mayor. "You better explain everything now you bastard!"

Out of the corner of Chloe's eyes she saw me in a dark corner of the elevator and screamed. "Mom! Daddy's trapped someone as well!" She points at me and jumps up and down like a little kid at toy store, the only difference was that her face looked terrified.

The elevator started to close, but before it could, Lilleth stopped it with her foot and ran into the elevator; her hand clasped tight around Chloe's wrist to make sure that she would be in here with us. The Door closed right after they came into the dimly lit elevator. Lilleth cut the ropes that held my hands together and Chloe slid the gag off of my face.

Right after they helped me I stood up and dusted myself off; grabbing my phone out of my pocket in the process. What are you doing?" Chloe asked me. Fear evident in her voice as she gazed at my phone. "Calling the police!" Chloe took my phone from me and pressed end call. "Do you know what will happen if you call the police? He'll kill everyone I love!" I sighed, "One, how is he supposed to know if he isn't here? And two, that's if you call the police, but what if I call them?" I ask her. Chloe looked hesitant, but she handed me the phone and looked at the phone and me through her fingers.

No one answered. My vision went black. My hands started shaking. "Marinette?" Lilleth grabbed my shoulder and looked at me with worry.  I dropped my phone and felt myself falling. The last thing I remember is the cold floor hard against my head and beneath my hands.


I end the phone call with Lilleth and look at Molly and Elliot. "What was that about?" Molly asks.  I don't say anything, but instead I jump out of my chair and run out the door. "Adrien! Wait!" Elliot calls after me.

But I don't look back.

Not until I get to the Hospital.

~four months later~

Staring up at the white ceiling,  I felt a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach. It reminded me of the ceiling I had in my nursery when I was little. With the strength I had, I sat up and looked beside me. I saw Adrien asleep at my bedside. Tears threatened to well up in my eyes at the sight of him and a smile spread across my face. "Adrien." I poke his head and I see his eyes flutter open sleepily. He rubs his eyes and then looks up in shock at me. "Marinette?!" He hugs me tightly and smiles brightly. I giggle, "Good morning."

His face grows somewhat serious, "Marinette I think this might have something to do with Hawkmoth." I shush him. "That's not important. What's important now is that we're reunited." I wrap my arms around him and I feel something crumble in my hand. "Huh?" I look in my hand and see a note. Adrien saw the note and held my hand tightly. It was clear that it was Hawkmoth that did all of this. The handwriting looked achingly familiar. The scariest thing though was what the note said.

"It's not over. "


Hey guys I'm sorry one, that I haven't updated in a while (again) and two, that this chapter was confusing and bad and I am also sorry that this will be the final chapter. :(

Yes I've decided to end this story with "it's not over" and while that makes people think that there will be a sequel, I am terribly sorry, but that is unlikely because school has been really stressful and I have no ideas and inspiration for a sequel.

I'm sorry and goodbye for now loves! Hopefully soon I'll write another story! (P. S Elliot gets braces and Alya adopts Lila's daughter Victoria.)


Updated A/N: Although this book is years old and there is no real use in saying it now I wanted to say that when this was written it was intended to hint at Lilleth's romantic feelings for Adrien's mom or "Emelie" (at the time I saw her as bisexual but now I canon her as a lesbian with comphet - which could be why she has such a hatred for the Mayor in the first place because he forced her into that lifestyle and stuff) but I suppose at that age I wasn't sure how to write that and I suppose I was a bit of a coward when it came to adding lgbtq+ characters since I was always afraid my homophobic parents would find my account :/ (although at the same time idk since I wrote a (VERY poorly) written character in my other book) but uh yeah - that's it! Lilleth loved Emelie... uhh if anyone sees this I love y'all and stay safe out there! 

-Madi out! xoxo  

Adrienette //Not Over You//{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now