Chapter 25

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I feel tears forming in my eyes, I laugh and hide my face with my hands. Adrien stood up shocked, "I'm - I'm so sorry, I didn't mean - are you crying?" I stand up and throw my arms around him, hiding my face in his neck. "I'm Not over you either dummy."

He wraps his arms around me, and I feel him loosen up. "So is that a-" He begans to ask, I put my finger to his lips to stop him, "Hmm I don't know. . ." I tease. He begans freaking out, "What? Please!" I laugh and hug him tightly, "Of course, I'm yours forever and always."

"I love you." He tells me, I let go slowly, and gaze into his green gems, they were filled with memories of the past, all of the scars we shared, and all of the love we felt from our past, but never knew until now, he felt free. I placed my hand on his chest and felt his heart beat, faster, and faster, a rhythm of love, that only beat for me . . . Marinette.

"We should head back." I say, Adrien frowns, "Wait, I want to do something, you head back." I frown, "Okay . . . If your sure." I grab my purse, and walk towards Lilleth's house.



I run into my house, and pass Nathalie, "Adrien?" She calls, running after me, "Adrien!" I run into my room, slamming the door shut behind me, and looking around everywhere for a certain photo. I knock down shelves of books, and kick aside dirty laundry, I look at my unmade bed and found the photo, with my dad's tablet near it. What would that be doing here?

I glance at the photo, it was Christmas Day, I was six months old, my mother held me in her arms, her smile so bright and happy, her eyes full of joy and love. My father, who stood beside us, was even smiling, his lip curled just the slightest, but you could tell that his eyes were filled with pride and love. I only noticed I was crying when a tear drop fell on the photo.

I wiped my tears away, and saw a note taped to the back of the photo, 'Turn on the tablet.'

I did as the note said and when I turned on the tablet, a video began playing, it was my father.

Mr. Agreste: "Adrien, if you are watching this video right now, I am most likely dead, I made this because I knew I might die, my brother, whom is Hawkmoth, is driven by insanity, jealousy, and revenge, I knew that if he killed me, he would simmer down. The truth is that . . . when we were younger, we were adopted, our parents left us, he was always the optimistic one, I pushed people away, including your mother. Actually he was really close with your mother, other than Lilleth, he was your mother's best friend. Eventually though . . . I fell in love with your mother, she looked past my cold stare, and loved me for me. My brother, was outraged by this, you see, he had feelings for her. Another thing I should add is that we were miraculous holders as well, she, the peacock, and I, the butterfly, we protected Paris from harm, but when she ran away, I couldn't even stand looking at my own miraculous, I gave it to my brother, hoping that it would cause us to make up, boy was I wrong, he turned into a monster, seeking for revenge, thirsty for power."

My father began to tear up, and I placed my hand on the screen, desperate to hug him and tell him that I loved him, "Father . . ."

Mr Agreste: "Adrien. . . son . . . I love you, and I wanted to tell you. . . I am so proud of you, and I can promise you that your mother is too."

Adrienette //Not Over You//{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now