Chapter 17

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(A/N) OH MY FLIPPING GOODNESS THIS BOOK HAS OVER 7K reads and over 500 votes and OMG I love you all! <3
Btw this chapter has some big reveals soo be prepared.

I also have a question, can you think of something for Molly and Elliot's ship name?



I watched helplessly as Lark pinned me against the wall, grabbing chains from her purse, "You stay here Eagle." She snarled. I transform back into Elliot, and feel my energy draining.

As if on cue, a girl ran in here with honey blond hair, a yellow and black striped costume and mask, and blue eyes. Lark gasped and placed her hands over her mouth, her eyes seemed to soften.

At the same time I felt my eyes close.
Apparently these are power draining chains. Well played Lilleth.








Queen Bee glared daggers at me, and when she saw Adrien she flinched, "What are you doing here Mari- citizens?" She growled. Lark jumped in front of us and blocked the girl from view.

"I think you two should go home, this is family drama."

Adrien lifted an eyebrow, "What do you mean?" It seemed as if Lark's pale white skin brightened pink. "And we aren't leaving without our kwamis!" I say.

The other miraculous holder looked as pale as Lark when I said that and then glanced at the little glass box holding Tikki and Plagg. She looked sick, "Ladybug . . . Marinette." She fainted.

I flinched, The new girl knows my identity now, I applaud you Marinette.
Now you're just talking to yourself, great!

I was awakened by my thoughts by Adrien prodding me in the side, I look up at him, and see he was pointing at my earrings, "I know how to get Tikki and Plagg back." He mouthed.

I sighed and gestured for him to proceed, he nodded in understanding. To my surprise he slipped his ring off. Immediately Plagg disappeared, and I got the message. "Good idea!" I mouthed back. I took my earrings off, and saw the red kwami disappear. Great! Now all we have to do is run away far enough, put our miraculous back on, our kwami's will return, and we transform.

"I'll be taking those." Lark smirked, a white wind sped toward Adrien and I and snatched our miraculous. They landed in Lark's hands. I was speechless, and so was Adrien. "No!" Elliot mumbled out weakly. Lark kicked Elliot in the head and snarled, "Shut up!"

I winced, if Elliot was on Hawkmoth's side, why would he be in this state. Guilt immediately filled my whole body. If only I had let him explain.

"Hawkmoth! I've got the miraculous!" Lark called out. Adrien and I seemed to be glued to the spot, and soon I realized we were literally stuck to the ground, white roots held our feet to the ground.

The Hawkmoth appeared and laughed in triumph (Why does that sound like Trump, and Hawkmoth laughed in Trump okay I am sorry you may continue)

"Very good Lark." Hawkmoth says, staring hungrily at the miraculous, and grabbing for them, but Lark smacked his hand, "Where is what you promised me?" She asked strictly.

Hawkmoth growled, "She is right there." He gestured to the girl that fainted. Lark narrowed her eyes and scoffed, "You told me you can get her to forgive me." Hawkmoth howled in anger, "If you don't give me those miraculous right now I'll-" Lark cut him off, "You'll what?"

In barely a second, Hawkmoth grabbed Queen Bee, and one of the knives from the kitchen, running a far enough distance, putting the knife to her neck. Lark stared up at them, helpless, "Please don't . . ."

I caught something that I hadn't noticed before, as I looked more closely at the girl I saw lipstick in her lips. Chloé. My mind raced, and I couldn't help but think, kill her, kill her, but with a groan I called out to Lark, "If you give us our miraculous-" But Hawkmoth didn't like that idea, he cut some of Queen Bee's cheek and her eyes flew opened while screaming in pain.

Lark screamed along with her, "STOP!' Hawkmoth stopped, and ran back toward Lark. "Here are the miraculous . . ." Lark handed them to Hawkmoth, and he dropped Queen Bee/Chloé on the ground. Lark knelt down to her level and sobbed, Queen Bee looked up at her, confused, "And who are you?" She snapped, wincing from the pain in her cheek.

Lark didn't answer, but instead looked away. I grabbed Adrien's hand and stared at him in horror. Hawkmoth has our miraculous.

"Merde!"(Crap) Lark cursed in French, as Hawkmoth disappeared, and the roots and chains holding Elliot, Adrien, and I disappeared as well. Lark examined Queen Bee's cheek, "Are you okay?" Lark asked, touching the cut lightly, but Queen Bee slapped her hand away. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" She yelled while running off.

I ran toward Elliot who was waking, "Elliot! I am so sorry!" I say quickly, Elliot chuckled, "It's fine Marinette."(Also update: re-reading this I realized that Elliot is basically Luka I-) I beamed, hugging him and kissing his cheek in a sisterly way.

I felt Adrien tense up, and I smirk as I turn around to meet his eyes, "Aw, is wittle kitty gwetting angwy?" I asked with a baby voice and blinking my blue eyes a lot.

Adrien rolled his eyes, and I laughed, but growing serious again as I turn toward Elliot, "Adrien, go talk to Lark, I'll talk to Elliot." Adrien nodded, and went to talk to Lark.

I help Elliot up, "So, what happend?" I ask. Elliot rubs his temple, "You must already know this already, but . . . I'm not human. . ." My heart stopped, "You aren't . . ."

He looked up at me with big, watery, blue eyes, "These aren't even real tears." "Elliot, does anyone else know, what about Molly?" I ask, Elliot clutched his chest at the sound of her name, "She'll think I'm a monster-" I slap him, "No she won't, she'll love you for who you are!" I grab his hands and smile at him.

He smiles at me, and sighs, "Okay, I'll tell you the full story."


(UPDATE: so i'm going over the chapters and I just wanted to remind you guys again that this was written before season 2 (If I wasn't writing on my laptop I'd put a laughing and crying emoji) So yeah that's why Chloe's mom and more aren't canon in the show so my apologies about that!) (I hope to write another miraculous fanfic soon but I'm not sure what to write about- any suggestions?)

QOTC: Who is your favorite band/artist?

(Did I ask this already?)

AOTC: Queen, Journey and Elton John

Have an a-mew-zing day loves and don't forget to floss!

-Mads(Sorry my dentist must of hacked my account)

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